Disabled Peoples’ International
Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) is a cross-disability, consumer-controlled international organisation of people with disability in over 130 countries around the world. It was established to promote the human rights of people with disability through full participation, equalisation of opportunity and development.
The goals of DPI are to
- promote the human rights of people with disability;
- promote economic and social integration of people with disability; and
- develop and support organisations of people with disability
For more information about DPI please visit www.dpi.org
For more information about DPI Asia-Pacific visit www.dpiap.org
PWDA holds associate membership of Disabled People’s International (DPI) and has been involved in DPI since its inception in 1980. This has included attendance at DPI world and regional assemblies and workshops, and assisting with the organisation of the DPI World Assembly held in Sydney in 1994.
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