People with disability face specific challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have collected resources for people with disability and disability service providers on important COVID-19 information below.
General information
For the latest health alerts, case numbers and medical advice, go to health.gov.au.
SBS publishes regular COVID updates in multiple languages including English. Videos are captioned.
Disability-focused information
For a guide to assist people with disability to develop an emergency preparedness plan for COVID-19, click here.
The Department of Health has published a list of vaccination hubs for people with disability and for disability workers. For a live list, visit the Department of Health website and see the section ‘Vaccination Hubs’.
The Department of Health has also created an advice page for the health and disability sector here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for the health and disability sector
NSW Health has developed a ‘microsite’ where accessible resources on COVID-19 are available for people with disability.
You can also visit the Disability Gateway or call them on 1800 643 787 for coronavirus-related help and information. They can also assist people with disability to book COVID-19 vaccines. It’s available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (AEDT).

Information for people with specific access needs
If you are deaf, hard-of-hearing or have a speech-related disability, call the National Relay Service on 1800 555 660 and ask to be connected to the Disability Gateway.
There is a collection of Easy Read resources for people with intellectual disability about COVID-19 on the Department of Health and Aged Care website here. The Department of Health has also created a video explaining the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Inclusion Australia has produced a video ‘Living with COVID-19‘ for people with disability. And the NSW Government has released a ‘COVID-19 Tricky Words’ guide in Easy English, available here.
Amaze have created social scripts outlining the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Creaky Joints has information on living with chronic illness and disability during the pandemic, including specialist vaccination advice.
Asthma Australia has information for people with asthma.
First Peoples Disability Network Australia has demographic-focused information for First Nations people with disability.
Down Syndrome Australia has released a video ‘Australians with Down syndrome tell us why we should get the COVID-19 vaccination’. Watch it here.
Information in a language other than English
If you need information in a language other than English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Disability Gateway. As mentioned above, SBS also publishes regular COVID updates in more than 60 languages, including English. Videos are captioned.

Vaccine Information
Information for people with disability
Easy Vaccine Access (EVA) – EVA is a simple call-back service to help you book a COVID-19 vaccine.
For information for people with disability, this Department of Health page is regularly updated: Information for people with disability about COVID-19 vaccines.
There is also a list of disability vaccination hubs that is regularly updated.
And here is a resource in multiple languages about vaccines: COVID-19 vaccine information in your language
Getting your proof of vaccination
For help getting proof of your COVID-19 vaccination, visit the Services Australia website for a range of information and tailored resources:
- Individuals can get help here.
- For Easy Read, CALD and Indigenous resources get help here.
- Businesses and communities can get help here.
Vaccinations for children
For information on vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11, visit health.gov.au. They have resources including:
- Information and consent form for parents and guardians of children aged 5 to 11 years (various languages)
- How to speak to kids about COVID-19 vaccines
- COVID-19 vaccine information for children, teens and parents/guardians
Information for disability service providers
There is a tailored page for disability providers on the topic of vaccinations on the Department of Health website.
What’s the difference between a third dose and a booster?
Click here for Easy Read resources on the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- A third dose usually refers to an additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for severely immunocompromised Australians.
- A booster usually refers to an additional dose for the general Australian population.
While booster vaccination is not mandatory, and the primary two-dose vaccination course provides a high level of protection against the worst effects of COVID-19, the booster dose will help to maintain high levels of protection over time.
For more information on third doses read the ATAGI statement here.
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