Workplace Giving

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By making small, regular donations from your pre-tax pay through workplace giving you support our vision of a socially just, accessible and inclusive community, in which the human rights, belonging, contribution, potential and diversity of all people with disability are recognised, respected and celebrated with pride.

When you donate through workplace giving, you are supporting PWDA to continue to protect and advance the rights of people with disability.

The donation comes directly from your salary before taxes, which means you pay less tax on your earnings.

All donations to PWDA over $2 are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt by email or post.

How can you set up workplace giving?

If your workplace already has a giving program, you can ask your Human Resources or Payroll Manager for details on how to sign up.

If your workplace doesn’t have a giving program but you want to get involved, contact us. We can talk to your employer about how to set up a workplace giving program.

Contact us at, call 1800 422 015.

Here’s how we can help you and your workplace:

  • We can discuss workplace giving with your Payroll or Human Resources Manager
  • We can visit your workplace to share information about what we do.
  • We can keep your employees updated on the impact of their donations.

How your donation makes a difference

By donating to PWDA, you’ll help us deliver essential projects, programs and services, such as:

  • Free Individual Advocacy services for people with disability
  • Providing free human rights information and advocacy services to people with disability, including information on how to advocate for themselves.
  • Advocating for reform of systemic issues which have a negative impact on people with disability and their associates, such for a better NDIS, employment and the ending of violence and abuse against people with disability.
  • More opportunities for people with disability to be engaged with our work and the disability rights movement
  • Providing information and training to people with disability and their associates.
Two people are outside of accommodation enjoying the sunshine. One of them is a wheelchair user and the other is seated on the ground.

Getting started is easy

Contact us at, call 1800 422 015.

[IMAGE Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Registered Charity Tick indicates the charity is registered with the ACNC]

People with Disability Australia is a registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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[IMAGE white line icon of three people]

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[IMAGE white line icon of a heart shape with a dollar sign in the centre]

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[IMAGE white line icon of newsletter with the word News in block letters]

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