Submissions & reports (index)

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Our Systemic Advocates regularly respond to Government committees and departments on a range of issues affecting people with disability. Below are our submissions and reports listed by year and month. 


Oct | AI For All – An Equitable Regulatory Framework for Australia

Oct | Disability and forced marriage

Sept | Review of maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services in NSW

Sept | Implementation of the National Redress Scheme

Sept | Review of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021 – 2031

Aug | Draft lists of NDIS supports

Aug | Increasing voter engagement, participation and confidence

Aug | Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024

Aug | Wellbeing outcomes in NSW

Jul | Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s Second Inquiry into the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024

Jul | Letter to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

Jul | NSW Government Digital Inclusion Strategy

June | Joint submission: improving judicial responses to sexual violence

Apr | Draft National Autism Strategy Submission

May | Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s Inquiry into the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024

May | NDIS Review Member Engagement Summary Report

Mar | Submission to the NSW Legislative Council, Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education, Inquiry into children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings

Mar | Submission to the NSW Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

Feb | Submission to the Inquiry into the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023

Jan | Pre-Budget Submission to the Australian Treasury

Jan | Joint Submission: Disability Royal Commission Response Consultation

Jan | Submission on the Terms of Reference for a COVID-19 Royal Commission


Dec | Pre-budget submission to the NSW Government to progress the disability agenda in NSW

Dec | Response to the draft report of the Post-Implementation Review of Telehealth MBS Items

Dec | Submission to the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers review of the draft National Road Transport Technology Strategy and the National Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Action Plan

Dec | Joint submission: Recommendations to the Review of Australia’s visa Significant Cost Threshold

Nov | NDIS Review | Submission 3 to the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Oct | National Housing and Homelessness Plan Response

Oct | Joint submission: Disability Employment Centre of Excellence Options Paper

Sep | Preliminary Submission: NSWLRC Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

Sep | Summary report: COVID-19: Where to from here?

Sep | COVID-19 Position Statement

Sep | Joint submission: Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023

Sep | NDIS Review: Housing Survey Summary Report

Sep | NDIS Review: Survey Summary Report

Aug | Submission: Improving NSW Rental Laws

Jul | Submission: A Human Rights Act for All

Jul | Submission: NDIS Cost & Affordability

Jul | Submission 1 to the Independent Review of the NDIS – Access, Eligibility, and Planning

Jul | 2022 Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002

Jun | Submission to the Disability Inclusion Regulation review

Jun | Submission to the NDIS Review of Participant, Safeguarding the Future

May | Endorsement: Consultation impact of acoustic alert systems on electric vehicles

May | Submission to the Administrative Review Reform Issues Paper

May | Endorsement: Consultation impact of acoustic alert systems on electric vehicles

Apr | Submission to the Protocol to the Convention Against Torture

Apr | Submission to the Australian Government’s National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality (the National Strategy) discussion paper

Mar | Submission to the Select Committee on the Cost of Living

Mar | Access to Employment: Submission to the Disability Employment Services Quality Framework Discussion Paper

Feb | Redress Matters to Address

Feb | A New Act to Replace the Disability Services Act 1986: Joint submission

Feb | Budget Measures to Help Us Access Everyday Life: A pre-budget submission to the Commonwealth Treasury on employment and housing

Feb | Disability and Poverty: Submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia

Jan | Joint Submission to the Technology Assisted Voting Review


Dec | Independent Review of the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019 in New South Wales

Dec | Charters of human rights benefit people with disability: Joint submission to the Disability Royal Commission

Dec | Joint Submission to the Australian Treasury’s Employment White Paper

Dec | Modern slavery: PWDA submission to NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s discussion paper

Dec | Vision for realising our human rights – PWDA submission to the Disability Royal Commission

Dec | Disability advocates call for deeper examination of issues as Disability Royal Commission submissions come to an end

Nov | Our lives, our decisions: Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on guardianship, substituted and supported decision-making

Nov | Inquiry into the 2022 Federal Election

Sep | Upcoming Single-use Plastics Bans: PWDA letter to EPA

Sep | No time to lose for OPCAT inspection of disability settings

Aug | Coercive Control exposure draft bill submission

Aug | NSW Children’s Guardian Act 2019: PWDA submission

Apr | Wage equity and more choices in employment for people with an intellectual disability: Research review

Mar | Submissions to the Inquiry into Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS

Mar | Disability Employment Services Review Submission

Jan | Inquiry Into The Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 And Related Bills


Dec | The Experiences And Perspectives Of People With Disability From Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds

Nov | Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s Inquiry Into The National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Participant Service Guarantee And Other Measures) Bill 2021

Nov | Joint Standing Committee On The National Disability Insurance Scheme Inquiry Into Current Scheme Implementation And Forecasting For The NDIS

Oct | Proposed NDIS Legislative Changes And Participant Service Guarantee

Sep | Joint Select Committee On Implementation Of The National Redress Scheme

Aug | Impairment Tables Impair Our Access To Supports: Submission To The Department Of Social Services

Aug | In Our Own Words: Submission To The Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry

Jul | We Belong Here: Our Nation Must End Exclusionary Systems That Harm People With Disability

Apr | The Joint Standing Committee’s Inquiry Into Independent Assessments

Mar | Consultation On Victims Services Changes

Jan | #EndSegregation For People With Disability


Dec | A National Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework Submission

Oct | The National Disability Strategy Position Paper: Stage 2 Consultations

Oct | Senate Inquiry Into The Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Continuation Of Cashless Welfare) Bill 2020

Jun | No More Group Homes

Jun | Proposed Changes To Victims Support Scheme


Nov | The Tune Review Of The NDIS Act

Oct | Review Of The NSW Boarding Houses Act 2012

Oct | The National Disability Insurance Scheme (Streamlined Governance) Bill 2019

Oct | The NSW Government’s Review Of Disability Advocacy Funding

Sep | The Senate On Adequacy Of Newstart And Related Payments And Alternative Mechanisms To Determine The Level Of Income Support Payments In Australia

Sep | The Draft Accessibility Strategy For The Disability Royal Commission

Aug | The Senate Standing Committees On Legal And Constitutional Affairs Inquiry Into The Impact Of Changes To Service Delivery Models On The Administration And Running Of Government Programs

Aug | Restrictive Practices Authorisation In NSW

May | Inquiry into Ageing and Disability Commissioner Bill 2019

Feb | Pre-Budget Submission 2019 – Invest To Solve Housing Crisis For People With Disability


Nov | The Queensland Human Rights Act 2018: Queensland Parliament, Legal Affairs & Community Safety Committee

Nov | Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper: Review Of The Family Law System

Aug | Implementation Of The National Disability Insurance Scheme And The Provision Of Disability Services In New South Wales

Aug | Joint Select Committee On The Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse – Oversight Of Redress Related Recommendations

Jul | Inquiry Into The Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card Trial Expansion) Bill 2018

Jun | NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing And Payments Framework Review

Mar | NDIS Market Readiness

Mar | Family Law Review

Feb | Review Of The Guardianship Act In NSW

Feb | Termination Of Pregnancy Laws In QLD

Jan | Abuse Redress Scheme

Jan | Youth Diversionary Program


Oct | Inquiry Into Transitional Arrangements For The NDIS By Joint Standing Committee On The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Jul | Senate Standing Committees On Community Affairs Inquiry Into Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending Carbon Tax Compensation) Bill 2017

May | The NSW Department Of Justice, Disability Justice Strategy

May | Disability groups welcome ALP commitment to Royal Commission into violence against people with disability

Mar | Disability groups renew call for Royal Commission into violence against people with disability

Mar | Design, Scope, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Contracts Awarded And Implementation Associated With The Better Management Of The Social Welfare System Initiative

Mar | Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper: Protecting The Rights Of Older Australians From Abuse (DPOA)

Mar | Inquiry Into Students With A Disability Or Special Needs In New South Wales Schools

Feb | NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Question Paper 3: The Role Of Guardians And Financial Managers

Feb | NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Question Paper 2: Decision Making Models

Feb | Towards An All Abilities Queensland Consultation Paper

Feb | A Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme In Queensland


Dec | Submission To Fifth National Mental Health Plan

Dec | Submission To Inquiry Into And Report On All Aspects Of The Conduct Of The 2016 Federal

Nov | Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse: Submission Regarding Criminal Justice

Oct | Foundations For Change – Homelessness In NSW Submission

Oct | Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry Into Social Services Legislation Amendment (Budget Repair) Bill 2016

Oct | NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Discussion Paper 1: Preconditions For Alternative Decision Making Arrangements

Aug | Australian Law Reform Commission Issues Paper: Protecting The Rights Of Older Australians From Abuse

Jun | Department Of Social Services (DSS): Review Of The National Disability Advocacy Program

Apr | 2016-17 PWDA Federal Budget Submission

Apr | Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse Consultation Paper: Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse In Out Of Home Care

Apr | Inquiry Into Indefinite Detention Of People With Cognitive And Psychiatric Impairment In Australia

Apr | National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA): Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Position Paper On Draft Pricing And Payments

Apr | Australian Cross Disability Alliance Response To Victorian Creating Child Safe Institutions

Mar | Letter On The Social Services Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2015

Mar | Letter To The ACT Government Reportable Conduct Consultation Paper

Mar | NSW Law Reform Review of the Guardianship Act

Mar | Affordable Housing Working Group Issues Paper – Council On Federal Financial Relations, Social Policy Division

Feb | NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into Elder Abuse

Feb | A Blueprint For Family And Domestic Violence Response In NSW


Oct | Moving to my home: housing aspirations, transitions and outcomes of people with disability

Aug | NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into Vocational Education and Training

Aug | Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment regarding access and attainment for students with disability in school

Jul | Australian Cross Disability Alliance submission on the review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework

Jul | Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Draft General Comment on Article 6: Women with Disabilities

Jul | Submission in response to an application by the Department of Social Services for an additional exemption from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to use the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool in Australian Disability Enterprises

Jul | National Disability Employment Framework Issues Paper

Jun | Submission from more than 30 leading Australian academics regarding violence data, coordinated by PWDA and to the Senate Inquiry into Violence, Abuse and Neglect against People with Disability in Institutional and Residential Settings

Jun | Review of the Disability (Access to Premises – Building) Standards 2010

Jun | Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Issues Paper 8: Experiences of Police and Prosecution Responses

May | Proposal for a National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguarding framework

May | National Disability Insurance Scheme Citizens’ Jury Scorecard

Mar | NSW Department of Justice Discussion on Limitation Periods in Civil Claims for Child Sexual Abuse

Feb | 2015 Federal Budget Submission

Feb | Social Housing in NSW: Discussion Paper Work

Feb | Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Adequacy of existing residential care arrangements available for young people with severe phsyical, mental or intellectual disabilities in Australia


Dec | NSW Disability Inclusion Plan Consultation

Nov | Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into Out of Home Care

Oct | Considerations of the 4th and 5th Reports of Australia by the Committee to the Convention Against Torture

Oct | Torture and cruel treatment in Australia

Sep | Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration ‘Inquiry into Domestic Violence in Australia’

Aug | Disability Employment Services (DES) Consumer Engagement Project

Aug | Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the extent of income inequality in Australia

Aug | Interim Report on Welfare Reform

Aug | NSW Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into tenancy management in social housing

Jul | Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs inquiry into the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme Bill

Jul | Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (2014 Budget Measures No. 1) Bill 2014 and Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (2014 Budget Measures No. 2) Bill 2014

Jul | Developing a new disability strategy for Australia’s Aid Program 2015-2020

Jul | Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC): Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws, Discussion Paper May 2014

Apr | Membership engagement report to The Department of Social Services (DSS) regarding the implementation of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020

Apr | Senate Economic References Committee Inquiry into Affordable Housing

Mar | Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into Social, Public and Affordable Housing

Feb | Senate Inquiry into the prevalence of different types of speech, language and communication disorders and speech pathology services in Australia

Feb | NSW Disability Inclusion Bill 2014

Feb | Joint supplementary response regarding Dept of Social Security (DSS) application for exemption from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to use the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

Jan | Joint response regarding Dept of Social Security (DSS) application for exemption from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to use the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

Jan | Review of equal recognition before the law and legal capacity for people with disability


Oct | DSS application for exemption in relation to the use of the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

Aug | Access to justice in the criminal justice system for people with disability

Aug | NGO CRPD Shadow Report Communique – August 2013

Apr | Draft Boarding House Regulation 2013 and associated Regulatory Impact Statement

Mar | Inquiry into the involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disabilities in Australia

Mar | Exposure Draft Boarding Houses Bill 2012

Mar | National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Rules Consultation Paper

Feb | Reform of the NSW  Disability Services Act 1987

Feb | NGO CRPD Shadow Report February 2013 Communique

Feb | Improving the Employment Participation of People with Disability in Australia

Jan | Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee: The National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 

Feb | NGO CRPD Shadow Report February 2013 Communique

Australian Civil Society Response to the CRPD’s List of Issues 2013


Apr | Mid-Term Review of the AusAID Strategy: Development for All – Towards a Disability-Inclusive Australian Aid Program 2009 -2014

Jan | Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws

Australian Civil Society Report on the CRPD 2012 

Australian Civil Society Report on the CRPD 2012 

Easy English Australian Civil Society Report on the CRPD 2012


Nov | NSW Attorney General and Justice’s review of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007

Oct | Senate Education Employment and Workplace Relations Committee Inquiry into the administration and purchasing of Disability Employment Services in Australia

Aug | NGO CRPD Shadow Report Communique – August 2011

Jul | Exposure Draft of the ‘Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund’

May | Interim Report by the Productivity Commission into Disability Care and Support

May | Joint Paper: In Control Australia and PWDA: Please sir, not more of the same – People with disability in control

Apr | Joint Human Rights Analysis of the Proposed National Disability Insurance Scheme

Apr | NEDA and PWDA: Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support

Mar | NGO CRPD Shadow Report March 2011 Communique


Dec | Inquiry into the Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010

Aug | Inquiry into services provided or funded by Ageing, Disability and Home Care

Aug | Productivity Commission Inquiry into Long Term Disability Care and Support

Jul | Public consultation on proposed Youth and Community Services Regulation

Jul | Stronger Together Consultation

Jul | Review of the National Standards for Disability Services

Jul | Summary Submission: Productivity Commission Inquiry on Disability Care and Support

Jul | Rights Denied – Towards a national policy agenda about abuse, neglect & exploitation of persons with cognitive impairment

Feb | Inquiry into the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs

Feb | Accommodating Human Rights – A Human Rights Perspective on Housing and Support for persons with disability


Dec | Response to the Inquiry into the NSW Taxi Industry

Nov | RACGP – Review of Standards for General Practice – Joint Submission

Sep | Everyone, everywhere: recognition of persons with disability as persons before the law

Aug | NSW Legislative Council’s Inquiry into Substitute decision-making for people lacking capacity

Jul | NGO Shadow Report on Women’s Human Rights

Jun | National Human Rights Consultation

Jun | Report on Women with Disabilities Accessing Crisis Services

Mar | Draft Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards

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