Advancing Women project

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[Young woman smiling at the camera. She could be a range of ethnicities or disability]

Australia’s Gender Equality Scorecard 2022 confirms what we all already know – women remain underrepresented in decision-making roles. Concerningly, the same scorecard makes no reference to the underrepresentation of women with disability, not only in the workplace, but in those same leadership roles.

Women with disability are yet to be considered in the nationwide debate on gender and workplace equality. The Advancing Women project is here to place representation of women with disability in decision-making roles on the national agenda. The project creates access and opportunities for women who are willing and ready to lead.

About the project

People with Disability Australia created Advancing Women as a project that seeks to improve outcomes for women, girls, feminine-identifying and non-binary people with disability in Australia across leadership representation and workforce participation and safety. This project looks to break down the barriers to participation in leadership and decision-making roles, creating access and opportunities for women with disability who are ready and willing to lead. The project aims to engage the hearts and minds of organisations and individuals who can help build a more employable future for all women with disability.

The project and training team comprise women and gender diverse people with lived experience and subject matter expertise from regional and metro areas. The team is supported and directed by an Expert Advisory Group and Co-design Advisory Panel to gain a genuine understanding of barriers and enablers to leadership representation.

The Advancing Women project will go on to deliver two programs, co-designed with women with disability:

  1. An educational program for employer organisations designed to educate a disability confident workforce and promote workplace participation and safety for women with disability.
  2. A mentor program for women with disability to support sustainable leadership, networking and career confidence and progression.

Get your organisation onboard

Advancing Women is currently seeking expressions of interest from organisations to take part in the educational and mentorship program beginning in 2025.

Education and Training: Your organisation will be provided with education and training designed to address attitudinal awareness in the workplace. The program targets key internal stakeholders such as human resources, diversity, equity and inclusion partners and senior management.

Mentoring: Senior mentors will be identified within your organisation and supported to mentor women and gender diverse people with disability in your workplace. Adopting a sponsorship model, this stream offers safe and sustainable pathways to leadership and decision-making roles for women with disability, with both mentor and mentee experiencing benefits from the program.

Needs Assessment & Gap Analysis Report

The Advancing Women with Disability in the Workplace: Needs Assessment & Gap Analysis Report explores the barriers to employment and leadership for women with disability. 

The report reveals significant barriers and challenges for women with disabilities in the workplace.

The recommendations presented in the report offer a roadmap for advancing the participation and leadership of women with disabilities through the next phases of this project. By implementing the recommended strategies, we can take meaningful steps towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment.

Get in touch

You can also email the project officer at or call 1800 422 015 to register or ask any questions about this project.

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