Submissions and reports (grid)
We’re using evidence and analysis to make change.
A key part of how we advance the disability rights agenda is by developing submissions that respond to the policies, practices and programs of government and industry.
After consulting with our members and clients as well as our community and research partners, we write detailed submissions and reports on many different issues which provide relevant analysis as well as recommendations that will improve the lives of people with disability.
Below you’ll find our submissions and reports, dating from the most recent all the way back to 2009 in a grid style! If you know the name of a specific document, you can use the Search function at the top right of the webpage to find it quickly.
Click here if you prefer to view our submissions and reports by year and month.
- Draft lists of NDIS supportsPWDA submission to NDIS Consultations Team on the draft lists for the NDIS Supports related to section 10 to the NDIS Amendment Bill.
- Increasing voter engagement, participation and confidencePWDA respond to The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters and how can we increase voter engagement and confidence in our electoral system.
- Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024Submission to the Attorney-General Department consultation regarding the Administrative Review Tribunal Rules 2024
- Wellbeing outcomes in NSWA framework for performance reporting and driving wellbeing outcomes in NSW – PWDA Submission to the Public Accounts Committee
- NDIS Amendment Bill Member Engagement Summary ReportThis report has been developed in the context of proposed changes to the NDIS, following the Independent Review of the NDIS. PWDA proudly presents the views of our members in this report.
- Here to Stay – Working to Future Proof the NDISPWDA submission to the second inquiry of the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) Bill 2024.
- Contemporary SlaveryLetter to the UN providing an outline of areas of concern from PWDA regarding people with disabilities vulnerability to contemporary slavery conditions.
- NSW Government Digital Inclusion StrategyPWDA have participated in consultations to help shape the NSW Government Digital Inclusion Strategy along with other DROs and people with disability.
- Joint submission: improving judicial responses to sexual violenceWomen with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have made joint a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Issues Paper – Justice Responses to Sexual Violence.
- Draft National Autism Strategy SubmissionPWDA submission to Department of Social Services on the draft National Autism Strategy.
Read all our submissions and reports.
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