Disability Australia Ltd
Liquidation of Disabled Peoples International (Australia)
In 1996, Disabled Peoples International (Australia) hosted the Fourth World Congress of Disabled Peoples International in Sydney. Although the event was a great success from a number of perspectives, it was financially disastrous. Left with debts exceeding $100,000, Disabled Peoples International (Australia) went into liquidation and was wound up as a result. As a consequence, Australia ceased to have a national assembly member of Disabled Peoples International.
Disability Australia Ltd
In 1998 People with Disabilities (NSW) Inc supported a proposal to establish a new national assembly of Australians with disability capable of reinstating Australian membership of Disabled Peoples International. The organisation established was called Disability Australia Ltd. This new organisation was provided with provisional membership of Disabled Peoples International as a national assembly on condition it would develop a national representative structure. This has never eventuated and PWDA withdrew support for Disability Australia Ltd.
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