On Tuesday 1 October 2024, the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) released the NDIS support lists that define what supports the NDIS can pay for.
This blog post focuses on the NDIS support lists and what we currently know about them.
What You Need to Know About the Recent NDIS Changes following passing of the NDIS Amendment Bill 2024 through the Senate.
The federal government wants to change the rules about what you can use NDIS funds for. They have created draft rules, which list what supports you can and cannot use NDIS money for. We want you to have your say on these draft rules.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released the findings from their 2022 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. We look at the disability statistics and how they impact government decisions.
NAIDOC Week is a fantastic time for everyone to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and join in the many events celebrating the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
Key changes that may affect members following the release of the NDIS 2023-24 Annual Price Review Report
Megan Spindler-Smith has been appointed as Deputy CEO. Megan reflects on their first week as Deputy CEO
People with Disability Australia is pleased to announce that Megan Spindler-Smith has been appointed as Deputy CEO at a key time of reform for the sector.
The last official day of COSP17, and PWDA started the day presenting its side-event on advancing employment inclusion for LGBTIQA+ people with disability!
PWDA intervention urging governments and civil society to not leave LGBTQIA+ people with disability behind in employment