2022 Federal Election Hub

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Our Election Hub is your go-to source for all of PWDA’s 2022 Federal Election information, including our official election platform, media releases, election survey results with input from the major parties, and more.

PWDA Election Disability Issues Scorecard

PWDA sent its election platform (see below) to a Australia’s major parties and several key independents to clarify their policy positions across seven issues which are important to people with disability. We have have created a scorecard to summarise their responses to these election commitments.

You can review and download the PWDA 2022 Federal Election Disability Issues Scorecard here.

Full responses from all respondents are also available in the PWDA 2022 Federal Election Disability Survey Report. The Greens have also provided additional clarification in their ‘Greens statement of support for PWDA election platform’.

PWDA’s Election Platform

We want the next federal government to deliver people with disability better protection from COVID, better jobs and financial security, better housing and better support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Read or download our 2022 Federal Eection platform here in accessible PDF format.

Election Participation and Disability Webinars

On 26 April and 16 May 2022, we hosted webinars with the Australian Electoral Commission to help empower people with disability to participate in the upcoming federal election. We discuss voting issues for people with disability and how you can participate in the election on 21 May.

Find recordings and resources below:

A photograph of Parliament House in Canberra on a bright, sunny day. The picture is taken from across the forecourt, and shows in detail the mosaic on the ground. The artwork is called ‘Possum and Wallaby Dreaming’ by Kumantje Jagamara.

Election podcast series with Dr George

We partnered with Dr George Taleporos to share the 2022 Federal Election special series of the Reasonable and Necessary podcast.

You can watch the entire series on the PWDA Facebook page, with guests including Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds, Shadow Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten, and Australian Greens Spokesperson on Disability Rights and Services Jordon Steele-John.  The final podcast features a panel of disability experts (including our very own PWDA President Sam Connor) who unpack the commitments and provide their insights.

Find the recordings here:

Voting resources for people with disability

Voting in the 2022 Federal Election will take place on Saturday 21 May 2022. Some people also choose to vote early. Check out this useful information for people with disability provided by the Australian Electoral Commission

Media releases

Resources from other disability advocacy organisations

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