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This news feed contains a mix of all our content as it’s produced:
- PWDA Congratulates Minister Rishworth and Assisting Minister Dr Aly On Their Appointments PWDA congratulates Amanda Rishworth on their appointment as Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Dr Anne Aly as Assisting Minister.
- Appointment of PWDA Board executive officersPWDA is pleased to inform that the People with Disability Australia (PWDA) Board has appointed their Executive Officers.
- National Autism Strategy Welcome, Success Relies on Future Action and FundingPWDA welcomed the release of the National Autism Strategy and its commitment to improving inclusion in the community, education and employment, alongside diagnosis, services and support systems for autistic people.
- Building Access Workshop Bookings Now OpenPeople with Disability Australia (PWDA) is excited to offer a free program for domestic and family violence (DFV) services in NSW to improve accessibility and inclusion for women and children with disability.
- Meet the PWDA Board of DirectorsWe are excited to invite all PWDA members to join us for an opportunity to meet the PWDA Board of Directors, ask questions and engage in a discussion about the upcoming year.
- Public Toilets and People with Disability in NSWSubmission to the NSW government legislative committee on Accessible Public Toilets and People with Disability in NSW.
- CMHA and PWDA Demand Justice and Urgent Reform Following Death of Simon Cartwright at Silverwater Jail CMHA and PWDA are united in their condemnation of systemic failures in mental health and justice systems from the coroner’s report of Simon Cartwright’s death.
- PWDA and Disability Representative Organisations Oppose Rushed Implementation of New Support Needs Assessment Model PWDA and DROs respond to new assessment model. Support government funding to reduce costs but oppose government-delivered assessments.
- PWDA Submission on Foundational SupportsSubmission to the government on Foundational supports are specific supports that would be available outside the NDIS
- Eliminating Restrictive Practices in AustraliaRestrictive practices have long been a concern within the disability community, violating the autonomy and dignity of people with disability.
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