Disability Discrimination Act 1992

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The Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability. It also aims to promote equal opportunity and access for people with disability.

Disability discrimination happens when people with disability are treated less fairly than people without disability. Disability discrimination also occurs when people are treated less fairly because they are relatives, friends, carers, co-workers or associates of a person with disability.

The DDA makes it illegal to discriminate against someone for having a disability, in the following areas of life, for example:

  • Employment
    When someone is trying to get a job, equal pay or promotion.
  • Education
    When enrolling in a school, TAFE, university or other institution.
  • Access to buildings used by the public
    Libraries, places of worship, government offices, hospitals, restaurants, shops or other premises used by the public.
  • Provision of goods, services and facilities
    When a person wants goods or services from shops, pubs, entertainment venues, cafes, banks, lawyers, government departments, doctors, hospitals, and so on.
  • Accommodation
    When renting (or trying to rent) a room in a boarding house, flat, unit or house.
  • Buying land
    Buying a house, a place for a group of people, or a drop-in centre.
  • Activities of clubs and associations
    Wanting to enter or join a registered club (such as a sports club, RSL or fitness centre), or when a person is already a member.
  • Sport
    When playing or wanting to play a sport.
  • Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs
    When seeking information on government entitlements, trying to access government programs, wanting to use voting facilities.

The DDA is administered by the Australian Human Rights Commission. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, the Commission can help.

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