Consultancy services
We’re helping organisations improve how they include people with disability in their research and events.
Our disability experts can help your organisation improve performance and make necessary changes to achieve success, overcome challenges and fulfil the potential of all the people within an organisation.
How we can help
PWDA can help your organisation with a variety of disability expertise:
- Advisory or reference group participation
- Conference speaking
- Guest speakers
- Consultation by PWDA to provide expertise and advice to a research project
- Facilitate focus groups
- Research participation by a person with disability
- Research partnership
- Advertise surveys or research via PWDA’s range of communication channels
Why work with us
- We’re subject matter experts: As Australia’s peak disability rights organisation with a proud 40-year history of advocating for people with disability, we have genuine understanding and extensive knowledge of disability-related issues.
- We’re disability led: All our consultants are people with disability. It makes a world of difference.
- We use a rights-based framework: All our consulting activities are developed from a rights-based perspective, ensuring the work we undertake aligns with all relevant disability rights, legislation and international conventions.
- We’re cost effective: We understand the budget constraints under which many organisations operate and ensure our prices are the most competitive in the market.
Please contact us to find out more about our consultancy services:
- Email us at: pwd@pwd.org.au
- Phone us on: (02) 9370 3100
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