COVID-19 Vaccine Member Survey Results

On 12 May 2021, PWDA launched a survey of our membership regarding their thoughts and experiences of the COVID-19 vaccine and its rollout. The survey ran until 31 May 2021 and had 74 respondents. These results have informed our organisational statements on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Below you will find verbatim from the surveys. These have been selected to highlight common and key issues raised by our membership. We have also included graphs displaying results from our multiple-choice questions.

Importantly, results revealed 67.6% of respondents are finding it difficult or confusing to figure out which rollout phase they’re eligible for. Clearly this is a significant barrier to receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, also a likely contributor to hesitancy. Results also showed that 89.2% of respondents felt that the Australian Government could be doing a better job with the overall rollout.

One of the most disturbing results was that only 30.6%, less than one in three respondents, felt that their doctors were well-informed about the COVID-19 vaccine. The lack of reliable information regarding potential complications creates another barrier to people with disability and is another strong indicator for vaccination hesitancy amongst people with disability.

Survey results also revealed a majority of respondents felt it was important for themselves, support workers and those they live with to be vaccinated while a high 43.1% of participants expressed concern and felt that they wouldn’t be able to return to pre-COVID life until the majority of people in their state had been vaccinated.

For a full summary of the results, see below.­­­­

PWDA members say… "I'd preferred to receive Pfizer vaccine but glad I didn't wait for it because it may be months before I'm offered it. "“The information that made it clear which phase I’m in was not easily accessible to most people.” “I didn’t know I could book for Pfizer vaccine until I got lost in a phone menu trying to get my Covid test results recently and found menus for it.” “I went to the doctor about something else and they said I was eligible and asked if I wanted to book in. Until then, I hadn’t realised I was eligible.” “It was hard for me to figure out which phase I was in because my rare disease wasn’t specifically listed and it didn’t clearly fall under the descriptions.” “There have been no alternatives for those who cannot access vaccination places.” “Nobody I rang knew what was happening…even though they were all listed on the website as vaccination clinics. Some didn’t even know they were and hadn’t been notified or received supplies.” “The provider of my accommodation was told in Feb that vaccines would be provided but so far has heard nothing! I was willing to wait, but I’ve waited too long.” “I just wanted to ‘walk in’ at a mass vaccination centre and get it done. Filling out forms, bringing proof, travel costs by taxi. It has become too hard to get it done.” 2021 PWDA member survey results – PWDA icon

Which phase of the vaccine rollout are you currently eligible for? Pie chart showing 74 responses 1a: 5.4% 1b: 67.6% 2a: 4.1% 2b: 5.4% 3: 0% I’m not sure: 17.6%
How easy or hard was it to figure out which phase you can get the vaccine in? Pie chart showing 74 responses It was simple: 32.4% It took some time and/or I needed some help: 39.2% It took a lot of time and/or I needed a lot of help: 8.1% I’m still confused: 20.3%
If you are in Phase 1, or 2a, how is your vaccination process going? Pie chart showing 74 responses I have been fully vaccinated (two doses): 0% I have had my first dose but not my second: 32.4% I am booked in for my first dose soon: 6.8% I have tried to schedule a vaccination appointment but… : 21.6% I have not yet tried to schedule a vaccination appointment: 18.9% N/A: I am not in Phase 1 or 2a: 20.3%
Which option best describes how you feel about the Australian Government's COVID-19 vaccine rollout? Pie chart showing 74 responses They’re doing a great job: 9.5% They’re doing okay: 1.4% Could be better, could be worse: 24.3% It’s pretty bad: 28.4% Total shambles: 36.5%
Do you feel like your doctors and other health professionals are well-informed about the vaccines and the national rollout? Pie chart showing 72 responses Yes: 30.6% No: 40.3% Somewhat: 29.2%
How important is it for you to get the vaccine as soon as possible? Pie chart showing 72 responses It’s urgent: 41.7% I’m willing to wait: 38.9% I’m not sure if I want it: 5.6% I would rather not get it at all: 6.9% I can’t get it for medical reasons: 6.9%
How important is it to you that your support workers (paid or unpaid) get the vaccine as soon as possible? Pie chart showing 73 responses It’s urgent: 57.5% It’s okay if it takes a while: 12.3% I don’t mind having unvaccinated support workers: 6.8% I don’t currently have support workers: 23.3%
How important is it to you that the people you live with get the vaccine as soon as possible? Pie chart showing 72 responses It’s urgent: 43.1% It’s okay if it takes a while: 20.8% I don’t mind sharing my home with unvaccinated people: 9.7% I currently live alone: 26.4%
When do you expect to be able to access pretty much everything you used to before the pandemic? Pie chart showing 72 responses As soon as I am vaccinated: 16.7% As soon as I and my support workers or people I live with are vaccinated: 9.7% Not until the majority of people in my state have been vaccinated: 43.1% Other: 30.5%