42 disability rights and advocacy organisations are calling for an end to segregation of people with disability in Australian education, housing and workplaces. With the release of a new paper, 42 disability rights and advocacy organisation are calling upon the…
Category: News (page 25)
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Submission in response to National Disability Strategy Position Paper: Stage 2 consultations
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the Australian Government’s Stage 2 Consultations for the National Disability Strategy. You can access the full submission in [PDF] or [Word].
#MakeItSafeToSpeak Campaign Update
A huge thank you to everyone who signed our open letter to the Attorney-General, or wrote in yourselves, asking for changes to legislation to protect the confidentiality of submissions and information provided to the Disability Royal Commission into violence, abuse,…
Media release: A ‘jobs’ budget must include accessible jobs for people with disability
Without targeted measures, in a tightening labour market, people with disability will continue to be excluded from mainstream employment. This budget has missed a critical opportunity to turn the tables, and that is a shame.
We call upon the Attorney-General to introduce legislation to protect the confidentiality of information given to the Royal Commission
The Disability Royal Commission is expected to run for 3 years. However, it has now run for over a year without adequate legislation in place to protect the confidentiality of submissions beyond the life of the Royal Commission. As it…
We are concerned about ‘Independent Assessments’ for the NDIS
Last week, the Australian Government responded to the Tune Review Report, supporting, or supporting in principle, 29 recommendations to make the NDIS less complex, and to support fair access and easier navigation of the scheme. However, like many in the…
Landmark NDIS Reforms
Today the Australian Government responded to the Tune Review, supporting or supporting in principle all 29 recommendations. We look forward to working with the Australian Government on continually improving the NDIS by implementing the recommendations. These recommendations are a step…
Farewell to our CEO, Jeff Smith
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Congregate Living is a Public Health Concern
The spread of the COVID-19 in congregate living situations like aged care facilities, and now in a Melbourne group home, really emphasises the need for people with disability to be supported to live independently. People who live in group homes…
No More Group Homes
We have the right to live independently in our communities In June this year, PWDA made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission, “Realising Our Right to Live Independently in the Community”. The submission highlighted the role of group homes,…