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Pre-Budget Submission 2019: Invest to solve housing crisis for people with disability

PWDA, with the Summer Foundation, National Shelter, and the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design, have developed a package to address the housing crisis for many people with disability. The package includes measures to make more homes accessible, to increase…

People with disability want budget investment of $2.7 billion to solve housing crisis

Disability and housing groups have come together to call for a significant investment in disability housing to make sure that all people with disability live in homes that are safe, affordable and accessible. “For decades, people with disability have been…

Major report backs calls to deliver on inclusion for all people with disability

Today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s review of the National Disability Agreement (NDA) is an opportunity for all levels of government to take action to deliver on inclusion for the 4.3 million Australians with disability. “We warmly welcome the Productivity…

Australian Cross Disability Alliance supports calls for the Department of Immigration to review decision relating to child with Down syndrome

AUSTRALIAN CROSS-DISABILITY ALLIANCE MEDIA RELEASE 7 April 2015 The Australian Cross Disability Alliance supports calls for the Department of Immigration to review its decision to deny a visa to a child because she has disability, despite finding her parents fit…

Call for urgent action: End violence against people with disability

Australian Cross Disability Alliance Media Release 20 August 2015 The Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA) calls on the Australian Government to act swiftly to address the epidemic of violence against children and adults with disability in residential and institutional settings…