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National Peak Disability and Advocacy Organisations applaud Senate Vote to Block BSWAT Payment Scheme Bill 2014

25 November 2014 National Peak Disability Consumer and Advocacy Organisations applaud the Senate vote to block the passing of the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme Bill 2014. In blocking the Bill, the Senate has shown support for…

Urgent Call for National Inquiry: End violence against people with disability in institutions

25 November 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) are outraged at the events that were portrayed in last night’s ABC 4 Corners program, ABC 4 Corners program, In Our Care.  This program exposes the deliberate cover-up of…

People with Disability Australia joins call to reject harsh budget measures

Wednesday 27 August 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) joins the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) and representatives from across the community sector in Canberra today to call on our elected representatives to protect those living on income support…

Disability advocates call on Senate to stop Bill stripping wages from workers with intellectual disability

25 August 2014 Today, four national peak disability groups will join with the AED Legal Centre and more than 30 community disability organisations to launch an open letter calling on politicians from all parties to vote against a bill to extinguish the…

Graeme Innes – Australians with disability say thank you

Friday 4 July 2014 Today People with Disability Australia (PWDA) fondly farewells Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Mr Graeme Innes AM from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). There are very few people with disability in high-profile, leadership positions within Government,…

People with disability need extension to Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission

Friday 4 July 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) supports the call for the Attorney-General, Senator the Honourable George Brandis, to extend the time to conduct the Royal Commission. PWDA is currently supporting children and adults with disability to share…

BUDGET 2014: A mixed bag for disability “We need a jobs guarantee, not a welfare guarantee”

Tuesday 13 May 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has welcomed the Budget announcement that the Federal Government intends to roll out the NDIS on time and in full. However, PWDA expressed concerns that thousands under the age of 35…