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Submission In Response To An Application By The Department Of Social Services For An Additional Exemption From The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 To Use The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool In Australian Disability Enterprises

July 2015 PWDA’s submission reflects our positions on wage equity and employment rights within Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) which we have previously outlined in a number of other submissions related to this current Exemption application. These are attached for consideration…

Joint Submission With Women With Disabilities Australia To The Committee On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities, Draft General Comment On Article 6: Women With Disabilities

July 2015 The rights of women and girls with disability must be conceptualised, analysed and addressed when interpreting and implementing every article of the CRPD. Given the significant gender based assumptions and expectations which place women and girls with disability…

Australian Cross Disability Alliance Submission On The Review Of The National Disability Advocacy Framework

ACDA welcomes the commitment that the National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF) will continue to be guided by the principles and priorities of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and related human rights instruments.  We also welcome…

Submission To The Australian Human Rights Commission On The Australasian Railway Association’s Exemption Applications

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is pleased to comment to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the Application for Temporary Exemption by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA).  PWDA believes that a monitoring and reporting mechanism is essential for any…

Submission To Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse Issues Paper 8: Experiences Of Police And Prosecution Responses

June 2015 PWDA have been funded as a Royal Commission Community-Based Support Service by the Department of Social Services to provide individual advocacy to people with disability who are affected by the Royal Commission. As part of this process, we…

Submission To The NSW Government’s Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme Discussion Paper

June 2015 PWDA has some serious concerns about the impact of the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme on people with disability, especially women. People with disability experience much higher levels of domestic violence than people without disability. According to data this…

Submission From More Than 30 Leading Australian Academics Regarding Violence Data, Coordinated By PWDA And To The Senate Inquiry Into Violence, Abuse And Neglect Against People With Disability In Institutional And Residential Settings

Data on the violence, abuse and neglect experienced by people with disability in Australia is limited in scope and by methodology of collection. This submission enumerates those limitations and provides advice for improved data collection and quality on this important…

Submission To The National Children’s Commissioner’s Examination Of Domestic Violence And Children

Better understanding of the prevalence and incidence of violence, abuse and neglect is urgently needed to address the very high levels of violence experienced by this cohort and fulfil the needs of government, policy makers, researchers, Disabled Peoples Organisations, and…

Review Of The Disability (Access To Premises – Building) Standards 2010

The primary focus of PWDA’s submission is to voice the lived experience of people with disability and assess whether the Premise Standards and their implementation has delivered dignified, equitable, cost effective, consistent and reasonably achievable access to buildings, facilities and…