Contact PWDA
Get in touch your way
Get in touch
To get help or support:
To get help or support with a disability-related issue you are experiencing or to make a referral, please click on the green button below to fill out our information request form and we will get back in touch with you.

To give feedback or ask a general question:
Do you have a question, or would you like to provide PWDA with feedback about our services or our work? We would be happy to hear from you. To contact us please complete our form below, email us at pwd@pwd.org.au or call 1800 422 015. If you have a complaint, you can submit it through the form below. To get help or support click on the green button above.
For more information on how PWDA handles complaints, visit this page on our website or read our Compliments, complaints and feedback policy.
PWDA is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct which is a voluntary, self-regulatory sector code of good practice. On behalf of the governing body of PWDA, we confirm that our organisation continues to be committed to full adherence to the ACFID Code of Conduct. If you believe PWDA has breached the ACFID Code of Conduct, you may lodge a complaint with the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee on complaints@acfid.asn.au, telephone (02) 6285 1816 or contact PWDA.
Free call: 1800 422 015
Media enquiries: +61 491 034 479 or media@pwd.org.au
National Relay Service
If you’re deaf, hard-of-hearing or have a speech communication difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service online or call 133 677 (landline or TTY only) and provide 1800 422 015.
For an interpreter
Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call People with Disability Australia
ABN: 98 879 981 198
Head office address
Suite 10.01| Centennial Plaza | Level 10, 300 Elizabeth Street | Surry Hills NSW 2010
PO Box 666 | Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 | Australia
Office hours: 9am – 5pm | Monday – Friday
PWDA operates two offices, one in Hervey Bay, QLD and our head office in Sydney, NSW. Please note our Mt Isa office closed on 31 August 2024.
Hervey Bay
Suite 16D, 19-21 Torquay Road, Pialba QLD 4655
Surry Hills, Sydney
Suite 10.01| Centennial Plaza | Level 10, 300 Elizabeth Street | Surry Hills NSW 2010
The following map depicts the location of the Surry Hills office address.
Travel by train or tram
If you are coming from Central Station to our Sydney office, the closest accessible exit is Exit 3 – Elizabeth Street. If you’re coming from the tram stop, you can use the lift in the Grand Concourse to get to Eddy Avenue or use the Central Chalmers Street Light Rail stop.
Travel by bus
If your bus goes down Elizabeth Street, get off at Elizabeth Street Stand E or Elizabeth Street at Reservoir Street to get to the PWDA Sydney office.
Other buses stop a few blocks away at Surry Hills Children’s Court, Albion Street. If your bus stops at Railway Square, on the other side of Central Station, you can either head across the station through the Devonshire Street Tunnel or go around via Eddy Avenue.
Accessible drop off zone
Drivers can use Mary Street loading zones to drop off or pick up passengers. Please note drivers may only stop for the period during which a person is getting into or out of the vehicle.
Centennial Plaza carpark has DIVVY Parking operating casual parking bays. The bays may be booked and paid for online through their APP. The rates start at $25.00 per day or $4.00 per hour. Please simply download the DIVVY App on iPhone or Google Play, register and away you go.
Emergency and other support services
PWDA is not a crisis service. If you are in need of emergency assistance, call:
- 000 – Call Triple zero to connect with Fire, Police or Ambulance if someone is seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help, if life or property is being threatened, or if you just witnessed a serious accident or crime. This line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Lifeline or the Suicide Call Back Service – 13 11 14 – For all Australians experiencing emotional distress, with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
If you are looking for other specific support, please call the numbers or visit the websites below:
- 1800 RESPECT – Sexual assault and domestic violence counselling service. Call 1800 737 732.
- Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636 – Provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
- Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 – Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
- Mensline – 1300 78 99 78 – Offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationship, stress and wellbeing.
- Blue Knot – 1300 657 380 – If you or someone you care about is living with the effects of abuse, neglect, or violence.
- Q life – 1800 184 527 Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships (open 3pm to midnight, 7 days a week).
- Coronavirus Health Information line – 1800 020 080 – For information about COVID-19 and vaccines, this line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with additional options for priority groups.
- Health Direct – 1800 022 222 – Call this number to speak to a registered nurse about your health concerns. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- The National Redress Scheme – 1800 737 377. A service set up in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
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