PWDA elects new 2022/23 Board

The 2022/23 PWDA Board is pleased to announce the results of the PWDA Board election, and the election of Ms Nicole Lee as PWDA President overnight.

After the 2022 AGM, the following Directors have been elected for a two-year term, Mr Arun Barramundi, Ms Haidi Badawi, Ms Michelle Hyde, and Ms Zhila Hasanloo. They join returning Board Directors, Ms Marayke Jonkers, Ms Nicole Lee, Mr Suresh Rajan, Ms Clare Gibellini and Ms Samantha Connor.

Amongst several motions passed by members at the 2022 AGM was the decision to make amendments to the PWDA constitution. These were in line with previous measures by the previous Board, to ensure sustainability, succession planning and capacity along with ongoing mentoring of Directors into senior executive roles. One of these amendments saw the introduction of an additional Vice President position on the Executive, which means that for the first time PWDA will have two Vice Presidents this financial year.

The new Board elected their Executive Directors being Ms Nicole Lee as President, Ms Jonker and Ms Connor elected as Vice-Presidents, Mr Rajan returned as Treasurer and Ms Gibellini elected as Secretary.

PWDA CEO Mr Sebastian Zagarella paid tribute to the outgoing President Samantha Connor for her commitment and stewardship of the organisation since 2020 and welcomed the new President and Board Directors. “I am pleased to see such as strong engagement from our membership and level of interest by Directors driving increased Board diversity,” said Mr Zagarella. “It is encouraging to see a wider representation of community through new Board Directors and I’m looking forward to an exciting year ahead.”

Ms Lee thanked outgoing President, Samantha Connor saying, “I am honoured to have worked alongside the previous board and President who have generously shared their knowledge and experience while mentoring me into this role to take the reins for the next year.”

Congratulations to all elected representatives at the 2022 AGM. PWDA thanks all that stood for election and all who voted.

Media contact

PWDA President

+61 491 034 479

People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA) is a national disability rights and advocacy, non-profit, non-government organisation. We have a cross-disability focus, representing the interests of people with all kinds of disability and our membership is made up of people with disability and organisations mainly constituted by people with disability.