People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has welcomed the Australian Human Rights Commission’s appointment of Rosemary Kayess, a tireless advocate for the human rights of people with disability, as the new Disability Discrimination Commissioner.
Ms Kayess has a long history of advocating for the human rights of people with disability both in Australia and internationally and brings experience in law, disability studies and international human rights to the role.
PWDA President Nicole Lee has recognised the appointment of a disability rights advocate and woman with disability as an exciting new chapter.
“We congratulate Rosemary Kayess on her appointment as the new Disability Discrimination Commissioner. Her wealth of knowledge and experience in the disability rights field is especially welcome at a time when we hope to see genuine improvements to end the vilification and discrimination of people with disability in Australia,” Ms Lee said.
This appointment comes at a critical time, as Australia grapples with the findings and recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission. The Commission’s work has shed light on the discrimination people with disability face, both under the law and in the community. PWDA recognises the important role the Disability Discrimination Commissioner will play as reforms to end discrimination are discussed and implemented.
“Under Rosemary Kayess’ leadership we anticipate not only reactive measures but proactive strategies to stamp out discrimination and ensure inclusion becomes the norm,” Ms Lee said.
PWDA looks forward to working in partnership with the new Disability Discrimination Commissioner towards realising a future that is fully accessible, inclusive, and free from discrimination for people with disability in Australia.
Anastasia Symons, PWDA Media and Communications
0491 034 479
About People with Disability Australia (PWDA)
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is a national peak disability rights and advocacy organisation made up of and led by people with disability.
Founded in 1981, PWDA represents the interests of people with all kinds of disability. We’re a not-for-profit community-based organisation and our members comprise a diverse range of individuals and organisations from across Australia.
Our vision is for a socially just, accessible and inclusive community, in which the human rights, belonging, contribution, potential and diversity of all people with disability are recognised, respected and celebrated with pride.
We work both nationally and internationally, and our work is grounded in a human rights framework that recognises the United Nations human rights conventions and related mechanisms as fundamental tools for advancing the rights of people with disability.