On 23 October 2024, People with Disability Australia joined 13 other organisations to endorse the All Means All submission to the Federal Parliament’s Senate Education and Employment Committee inquiry into the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024 (Cth).
Tag: DSP
PWDA and community organisations condemn government failure to act on DSP Senate Inquiry Report
PWDA, ACOSS and disability advocacy organisations have expressed alarm at the Government’s dismissal of the Senate Report on the Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension (DSP) and called for urgent action to address barriers to accessing the DSP, the risk of poverty for recipients and to reform how eligibility is assessed and avenues for dispute resolution.
Media release: A ‘jobs’ budget must include accessible jobs for people with disability
Without targeted measures, in a tightening labour market, people with disability will continue to be excluded from mainstream employment. This budget has missed a critical opportunity to turn the tables, and that is a shame.
MEDIA RELEASE: Expensive, isolating, lonely: new survey reveals experiences of people with disability during COVID-19
A new survey, released today by peak disability rights organisation, People with Disability Australia (PWDA), reveals how difficult COVID-19 has been for many people with disability across Australia. “Over 90% of people with disability said they had faced increased expenses…
2015 Budget: Modest but welcome measures for disability
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the 2015 Budget commitments to a modest but promising package of initiatives to address employment participation of people with disability. “For some time, PWDA has called for a comprehensive jobs plan, and tonight we…