PWDA’s submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia makes several recommendation: Read the full submission here: PDF, Word document
Tag: education (page 2)
They’re denying us a basic human right, and that will never be okay
I eventually won the fight to get the provisions I needed, but the road was convoluted and demeaning, writes Hannah Diviney.
Adventures of the boy who was told he’d never speak
For year 7, I started at a little school in the NSW outback with an enrolment of 150 students from K-12. At first, there were no problems, then things started to go wrong, writes William McIntosh.
It is vital that people with disability be a priority as COVID-19 cases increase
We are very concerned to hear about the increasing number of new COVID-19 cases over the last week in Victoria, and other states, and that Stage 3 lockdown has been reimposed to contain the virus. As in the previous outbreak,…
Federal Government must fix gaping hole in the Disability Discrimination Act
People with disability have been dealt a blow, with the Federal Government refusing to fix a significant problem with the law that stops discrimination in employment, education, transport and more. ‘We are deeply disappointed that the Federal Attorney-General has ruled…