The project seeks to improve outcomes for women, girls, feminine-identifying and non-binary people with disability in Australia across leadership representation and workforce participation and safety.
Tag: employment (page 2)
Disability and Poverty: Submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia
PWDA’s submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia makes several recommendation: Read the full submission here: PDF, Word document
Wage equity and more choices in employment for people with an intellectual disability: Research review
In April 2022, Inclusion Australia and People with Disability Australia commissioned a brief review of the evidence available about the experiences of people with an intellectual disability working in sheltered workshops, also known as Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs). This review…
Disability Employment Services Review Submission
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and the Antipoverty Centre responded to an Australian Government invitation to share our views on a potential New Disability Employment Support Model (NDESM) put forward by the Federal Government. We took a look at the…
Media release: A ‘jobs’ budget must include accessible jobs for people with disability
Without targeted measures, in a tightening labour market, people with disability will continue to be excluded from mainstream employment. This budget has missed a critical opportunity to turn the tables, and that is a shame.
Federal Government must fix gaping hole in the Disability Discrimination Act
People with disability have been dealt a blow, with the Federal Government refusing to fix a significant problem with the law that stops discrimination in employment, education, transport and more. ‘We are deeply disappointed that the Federal Attorney-General has ruled…
Christmas win for employees with disability
JOINT MEDIA RELEASE: AED LEGAL AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY AUSTRALIA 17 December 2015 The long-standing BSWAT wage case has been settled, with employees with disability to receive 70% of their backpay. People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and the AED Legal…
Wage Justice Campaign
Currently, there are over 20,000 people with disability in Australia who are employed by Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) previously called “Sheltered Workshops”. The majority of these people do not receive equal pay for work of equal value, or have…
2015 Budget: Modest but welcome measures for disability
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the 2015 Budget commitments to a modest but promising package of initiatives to address employment participation of people with disability. “For some time, PWDA has called for a comprehensive jobs plan, and tonight we…
Outrageous decision on disability wages
4 May 2015 A decision by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to grant the Australian Government a further four month exemption to allow Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) to continue to pay workers under the discriminatory Business Services Wage Assessment…