PWDA congratulates Amanda Rishworth on their appointment as Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Dr Anne Aly as Assisting Minister.
Tag: ndis
PWDA Responds to NDIA STA and Respite Changes
On Friday 22 November the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) released new information on Short Term Accommodation (STA) and Respite. PWDA is concerned about uncertainty in funding decisions and subsequent harm to participants while the sector awaits the release of the operational guidelines.
New NDIS support lists have started. This is what we know so far.
On Tuesday 1 October 2024, the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) released the NDIS support lists that define what supports the NDIS can pay for.
This blog post focuses on the NDIS support lists and what we currently know about them.
Transitional support lists only as good as the process to develop them. PWDA says this must not happen again.
The Australian Government has today released the transitional lists of what can and cannot be funded by the NDIS. PWDA is deeply concerned that these lists are only being made available less than two days before they come into effect with no guarantee that the information and how it impacts individual plans will be communicated directly to participants beforehand.
PWDA responds to NDIS Minister Bill Shorten’s retirement from politics
PWDA acknowledges the decision announced today by the Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten to retire from politics in February 2025.
Joint position statement: NDIS and sexuality
Disability and allied health organisations across Australia signed a position statement strongly opposing any reform to the NDIS that allows the NDIA to exclude services particularly as they relate to sexuality supports for people with disability.
Joint statement: PWDA and JEC respond to Aviation White Paper
The JEC and PWDA welcomes today’s Aviation White Paper announcing the Government’s intentions to develop new Disability Standards for air travel.
PWDA “Devastated” at the Passage of the NDIS Amendment Bill
PWDA has called the passage of the NDIS Amendment Bill “devastating,” citing deep concerns about its impact on NDIS participants and the disability community.
PWDA Board Position on NDIS Amendment Bill 2024
The Board of PWDA opposes the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 in its current form.
NDIS Amendment Bill Member Engagement Summary Report
This report has been developed in the context of proposed changes to the NDIS, following the Independent Review of the NDIS. PWDA proudly presents the views of our members in this report.