The Federal Budget has delivered welcome cost of living relief but has missed the mark on the systemic reform we need to support people with disability fully participating in the community.
Tag: ndis (page 3)
Response to the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce
This submission addresses PWDA’s concerns relating to the design and implementation of a registration scheme for all NDIS workers and providers.
Co-design must be genuine, our lives depend on it: PWDA responds to the NDIS Reform Bill
Major reforms to the National Disability Insurance (NDIS) have been introduced to parliament today by Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten. People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have responded with a call for genuine co-design to refine the legislation to ensure the reforms reflect the needs of the people they’re designed for.
Pre-Budget Submission to the Australian Treasury
As we enter the 2024-2025 financial year, significant disability reform will need to commence with the Australian Government as well as state and territory governments, implementing agreed recommendations from both reform processes. Implementing recommendations will take years, and if done ‘right’, these reforms will have a lasting positive impact on people with disability, their families, friends and communities. However, this is no simple task, and it will take time and resources.
Why we need the NDIS
Born out of the dire need to address the shortcomings of the existing support system, the NDIS has emerged as a lifeline for millions, offering a pathway to independence, dignity, and a better quality of life.
How the NDIS could work better for me
“To me, good support from the NDIS means understanding my disability from my point of view. It means giving me what I need to thrive and letting me choose the supports that work best for me. It means getting roadblocks out of my way.”
NDIS Review | Submission 3 to the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
From March to July 2023, PWDA conducted consultations with people with disability on their experiences of the NDIS. This involved several focus groups and surveys on the experiences of people with disability with the NDIS (including one Easy Read version). Participants in these consultations primarily involved people with disability with a broad array of experiences. Some families, carers and support people of also participated in the surveys and focus groups, but represented a small percentage of participants and predominantly participated as representatives of people with disability.
National Housing and Homelessness Plan Response
PWDA’s Submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper
NDIS Review: Survey Summary Report
From March to May 2023, People with Disability (PWDA) undertook a survey of people with disability in Australia to better understand people’s experiences with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
NDIS Review: Housing Survey Summary Report
As part of People with Disability Australia’s (PWDA) response to the NDIS Review, PWDA conducted an online survey about NDIS participants’ choice and control in NDIS-funded housing and supports.