Housing and accommodation

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Tell us about your problem.

To get support, click the button to fill out our Intake Form, or you can call us on 1800 422 015 (toll-free) and talk to a PWDA intake officer. 

We support you to live in a place you can call home.

At PWDA, we provide a range of services that support people with disability to secure housing that best suits their needs.

We have different teams to support with different types of issues, and different types of accommodation.

You could be in:

  • NDIS funded accommodation – Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Group Homes;
  • Public or community housing;
  • Assisted boarding houses;
  • Private rental or boarding houses;
  • Your own home; or
  • Homeless.

We can provide information and referrals, or advocacy to help solve a problem. (We don’t provide housing itself).

There could be a range of problems where you live, including:

  • The place you live isn’t safe
  • You have a dispute about your rights with your landlord or accommodation provider
  • You are having difficulty getting home modifications
  • You have maintenance issues that could not get fixed
  • You are not receiving appropriate services as agreed with you
  • You need support to get rent assistance through Centrelink
  • If you need help urgently right now, please contact 0001800 RESPECT or Lifeline Australia.

How we help

Our advocates can help by providing information and referrals, going to meetings with or for the person, writing letters, making phone calls, assisting them to lodge complaints and more. This can include giving information about your rights and responsibilities, as well as support understanding and navigating processes relating to housing, tenancies etc.

Have a question or need information?

If you have a question or want more information, you can:

  • Call us on 1800 422 015 (toll free) and speak to one of our intake officers; or
  • Fill in our online Information request form – click the “get info” button.
  • If it relates to SDA or SIL accommodation, email housinginfo@pwd.org.au
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If you want support around an issue

To understand how we can best support you, we need to get some information about you as well as the problem or issue you want to address. To get help you can:

  • Call us on 1800 422 015 (toll free) and speak to one of our intake officers; or
  • Click the “get help” button to fill out our intake form.
  • Once we have your information, we’ll then be able to provide the most appropriate assistance we can. One of our intake officers will contact you via your preferred method of contact to provide you with information about progressing your case.
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Our teams:

Disability Housing Information Line

This service provides information and advice to people living in Specialist Disability Accommodations (SDAs) or Supported Independent Living (SIL) in NSW, their supporters and accommodation providers. We can also refer your concerns to services that can assist you. Call 1800 422 015 and ask for the Disability Housing Information Officer.

Disability housing advocacy service

This service provides people in Specialist Disability Accommodations (SDAs), SIL Homes, and Group Homes anywhere in NSW with a professional advocate who can support them to resolve their housing concerns and enforce their rights.

We can help you by making referrals, negotiate with your accommodation provider and other services and, if required, help you at Mediation.

Disability Advocacy Futures Program

This service provides advice and support for people with disability living in the Sydney, South-Eastern Sydney, or South-Western Sydney Local Health Districts (LHDs). We help in accessing NSW government funded services, including Assisted Boarding Houses and public or community housing.

For example we can help with the forms to apply for public housing, request a transfer, gather evidence needed, or follow up overdue maintenance concerns.

Find out more about the Disability Advocacy Futures Program

National Disability Advocacy Program

Clients living elsewhere in NSW that need support with public housing, or advice regarding private accommodation, can receive advocacy support under the NDAP program.

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