#MakeItSafeToSpeak Campaign Update

A huge thank you to everyone who signed our open letter to the Attorney-General, or wrote in yourselves, asking for changes to legislation to protect the confidentiality of submissions and information provided to the Disability Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

The good news is: We have been heard!

The Attorney-General has responded to our campaign with a press release confirming that the government is drafting the legislation we need.

The bad news is: The legislation will not be brought to Parliament until Autumn next year.

In other words, by the time the legislation is passed, the Royal Commission will have been running for two years –  two thirds of its duration – before everyone who would like to come forward is guaranteed the safety to do so.

While we appreciate the commitment to pass this legislation, people with disability need certainty NOW that our confidential information will be protected, because every minute we wait is another minute the Royal Commission is not hearing stories from those who most need to be heard.

What now?

Our open letter went out to every Federal MP and Senator on Monday.

We encourage all of our members and allies to follow up by contacting your local MP, by phone or email, to let them know how important it is to #MakeItSafeToSpeak NOW.

Your local Member’s contact details can be found here: 