15 January 2025
The Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education (ACIE) has developed the ‘ACIE Position Statement on Therapy and Allied Health Services in Schools’ outlining key principles and recommendations to provide guidance about the establishment of therapy support frameworks in schools that are consistent with the provision of inclusive education.
This position statement represents the unified voice of our coalition, bringing together student, family, educator and advocacy groups, and aims to promote the delivery of services in alignment aligning with human rights principles and evidence-based practices. to achieve inclusive education in Australia.
ACIE is a national coalition of 25 not-for-profit organisations and has a combined representative membership of over 1.2 million. It brings together organisations with significant expertise in inclusive education and disability advocacy, and spans national and State and Territory based organisations, disability advocacy organisations, student and youth organisations, educators, and family and carer support organisations.
We invite individuals and organisations to use this position statement widely and join us in helping shape a future where the delivery of therapy supports play a role in promoting an inclusive education system.

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