PWDA is hosting two online consultation sessions for you – our members – to share your views on some of the changes proposed by the NDIS Review Final Report and the recently tabled NDIS Reform Bill. We want our members’ voices to be reflected in our response to the NDIS Review, submissions to the NDIS Provider and Workforce Registration Taskforce and in our advocacy to federal, state and territory governments.
Author: People with Disability Australia (page 2)
PWDA Sydney Head Office is Moving!
As of Monday 13 May 2024, PWDA Sydney will be located at Suite 10.01, Centennial Plaza Level 10, 300 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010. The existing Head Office will be closed from 4pm on Friday 19 April.
Co-design must be genuine, our lives depend on it: PWDA responds to the NDIS Reform Bill
Major reforms to the National Disability Insurance (NDIS) have been introduced to parliament today by Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten. People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have responded with a call for genuine co-design to refine the legislation to ensure the reforms reflect the needs of the people they’re designed for.
Submission regarding children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings
People with Disability Australia has provided feedback on the NSW Legislative Council, Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education, Inquiry into children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings (the Inquiry).
Submission to the NSW Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Submission to help inform changes to the conduct of the 2027 NSW State Election, so that all people with disability can exercise their rights, unimpeded, to vote.
Media Release: Disability Standards Reform a Step in the Right Direction, Further Action Needed
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is calling for people with disability to be recognised as equal partners in determining reforms flowing from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review. The call comes in the wake of today’s release of the Federal Government’s Progress Update in response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.
Women and Gender Diverse People with Disability Reflect on Leading Change, Our Way on International Women’s Day 2024
On Friday 8 March, to mark International Women’s Day, People with Disability Australia (PWDA) created a space for women and gender diverse people with disability to connect and discuss leadership, overcoming barriers, accessibility and inclusion.
Media Release: People with Disability Must be Equal Partners in Reform
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is calling for people with disability to be recognised as equal partners in determining reforms flowing from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review. The call comes in the wake of today’s release of the Federal Government’s Progress Update in response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.
What I want women with disability to know on International Women’s Day
Dr. Haidi Badawi shares the 7 things she wants women with disability to know on International Women’s Day. Dr. Haidi also shares the 4 things she wants everyone to do so we can change the narrative and create a society where anybody, regardless of their skills, has the possibility to thrive and lead.
Media Release: Westpac Committed to Advancing Women with Disability in the Workplace
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has tentatively welcomed today’s announcement that all levels of government will delay their formal response to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) until mid-2024.