In this submission, PWDA advocates for a more inclusive and supportive environment across housing, safety, community engagement, and health and education services for individuals with disabilities.
Author: People with Disability Australia (page 5)
Be in the 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade!
PWDA members are invited to register your interest to join PWDA as marchers in the 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras parade! There is a limited number of spots for participants and priority will be given to PWDA members and LGBTQIA+ community members.
PWDA Responds to the NDIS Review: More Supports for People with Disability Welcome
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes additional funding and steps to address gaps in support for people with disability outlined in today’s Independent NDIS Review report.
Response to the Medicare Telehealth Draft Report
The evolution of transport technologies has the potential to increase the independence, inclusion, transport access and safety of people with disability.
Joint statement: NDIS change must be led by people with disability
The NDIS Review is a once-in-a-decade chance to make this critical Scheme fit for the future, which will only happen if we have a seat at the table, say people with disability and our organisations.
National Road Transport Technology
The evolution of transport technologies has the potential to increase the independence, inclusion, transport access and safety of people with disability.
IDPwD 2023 Ambassador Giancarlo de Vera
In their address, Giancarlo calls for everyone to accept that disability is part of the human condition, that there is no normal way to be human.
Claiming our rights this IDPWD
On this International Day of People with Disability (IDPWD), People with Disability Australia (PWDA), reflects on another year of advocating for the rights of all people with disability to live in a future that is fully inclusive where the human rights of people with disability are elevated, respected and affirmed.
Oral history interviews with members of People With Disability Australia
This collection of interviews regarding disability was a collaboration between Louise Darmody and the State Library of New South Wales.
PWDA Welcomes Appointment of Rosemary Kayess as Australia’s New Disability Discrimination Commissioner
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has welcomed the Australian Human Rights Commission’s appointment of Rosemary Kayess, a tireless advocate for the human rights of people with disability, as the new Disability Discrimination Commissioner.