Inquiry Into The Design, Scope, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Contracts Awarded And Implementation Associated With The Better Management Of The Social Welfare System Initiative

We strongly urge the Committee to recommend that the process be put on hold until Minister for Human Services and the Department have undertaken comprehensive consultation and review processes, including with people affected by the initiative, to ensure that appropriate…

Towards An All Abilities Queensland Consultation Paper

February 2017 PWDA welcomes the Queensland Government’s consultation into the development of a new Queensland Disability Inclusion Plan – “Towards an All Abilities Queensland”. It is critical that during this period of transition, people with disability are at the centre…

NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Question Paper 2: Decision Making Models

February 2017 This inquiry must not just tinker at the edges of the current system, but instead entirely reframe the concept of capacity in terms of decision making within the legislative and policy environment. PWDA submission – Word document

NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Question Paper 3: The Role Of Guardians And Financial Managers

February 2017 Supported decision making already occurs, often informally, through advocates, family and friends, and support workers. However, the current legal capacity framework does not recognise supported decision-making as a form of support that should be actively pursued, assessed for…

Submission To Consultation Regarding A Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme In Queensland

1 February 2017 Our view on DV Disclosure Schemes in general remains consistent with the views expressed in that submission: that we recommend against the introduction of the DV Disclosure Scheme, but that if a Scheme is implemented, due consideration…

Submission To Inquiry Into And Report On All Aspects Of The Conduct Of The 2016 Federal Election And Matters Related Thereto By Joint Standing Committee On Electoral Matters

PWDA surveyed people with disability on their experience of the last election. The responses we received came from across the country and from people who were presented with a variety of barriers to their participation in the election. A number…

People with Disability Australia welcomes new local government Disability Guide

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) today welcomed the release of the Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) new Disability Guide. The updated guide assists local governments to include people with disability in all parts of their work and helps councils meet…

Foundations For Change – Homelessness In NSW Submission

October 2016 Homelessness is an important issue that disproportionately affects people with disability. In addition, people with disability are often affected by, and experience homelessness in different ways to the broader community. This submission identifies legislation relevant to policy makers…

NSW Law Reform Commission Review Of The Guardianship Act 1987 Discussion Paper 1: Preconditions For Alternative Decision Making Arrangements

October 2016 In this submission, PWDA advocates a distinction between the labelling of an individual as incapable of making their own decisions and the failure by society to provide supports that would enable decision-making by that individual. In order to…