Vale Stella Young – Strong and proud disability activist

8 December 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) expresses our shock and sadness at the passing of well-loved disability activist, Stella Young, and sends our heartfelt condolences to Stella’s family and friends. PWDA President, Craig Wallace provides the following statement:…

International Day of People with Disability: NACLC and PWDA welcome shift to supported decision-making

On the International Day of People with Disability, the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcome the recent Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) Report, Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws. “The report…

National Peak Disability and Advocacy Organisations applaud Senate Vote to Block BSWAT Payment Scheme Bill 2014

25 November 2014 National Peak Disability Consumer and Advocacy Organisations applaud the Senate vote to block the passing of the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme Bill 2014. In blocking the Bill, the Senate has shown support for…

Urgent Call for National Inquiry: End violence against people with disability in institutions

25 November 2014 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) are outraged at the events that were portrayed in last night’s ABC 4 Corners program, ABC 4 Corners program, In Our Care.  This program exposes the deliberate cover-up of…

Considerations Of The 4th And 5th Reports Of Australia By The Committee To The Convention Against Torture

October 2014 People with disability in Australia are frequently subject to treatment that may constitute torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (ill-treatment), including persistent and severe violence and abuse, forced or coerced non-therapeutic sterilisation, long-term neglect of…