The 2022/23 PWDA Board is pleased to announce the results of the PWDA Board election, and the election of Ms Nicole Lee as PWDA President overnight. After the 2022 AGM, the following Directors have been elected for a two-year term,…
Category: Media Releases (page 7)
Media Release: A thoughtful budget with more to do
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes tonight’s budget as thoughtful overall – recognising the attention to NDIS and other targeted reforms, including education and skills measures, housing and women’s safety. PWDA praises a renewed attention to the NDIS. “The 17%…
Joint Media Release: Royal Commission to hear from culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability
This week, the Disability Royal Commission is holding a public hearing about experiences of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds with disability. Lived experience witnesses throughout the week will tell the Royal…
Media release: PWDA welcomes announcement of NDIS Review
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the announcement of the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today. The Review’s broad Terms of Reference give the disability community the chance to raise issues that are important to us.…
Media Release: People with psychosocial disability living in institutional facilities face “significant” barriers to accessing NDIS support
A new research partnership between the University of Sydney and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has found people with mental health diagnoses (psychosocial disability) living in institutional settings face “significant barriers” to accessing the NDIS. Commissioned as part of PWDA’s…
Joint Media Release: Immediate changes to the Disability Support Pension needed following Jobs Summit
Disability Representative Organisations are calling for changes to the Disability Support Pension (DSP) that would allow recipients to keep more of the money they earn when taking on paid work. At the Jobs Summit, the Government committed to providing a…
Housing action long overdue for people with disability
Next week, the Disability Royal Commission will focus on people with disability who have experienced homelessness, including living in boarding houses and other forms of insecure or inadequate housing. Public hearing 26 will take place in Parramatta, NSW from 29…
PWDA launches new website to mark 40 years of community service
PWDA has launched a new website to help improve how our members, clients and supporters can access our information and engage with our work, activities and events. Launched as part of our 40th anniversary commemorations, the new website reflects current…
NSW Budget misses the mark for disability community
Wednesday 22 June 2022 People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and the Physical Disability Council of New South Wales (PDCN) have called the NSW Budget a disappointment for nine in 10 people with disability in the state, advising that there was…
Australian disability advocates join UN conference on COVID-19 disability inclusion
A delegation of Australian disability advocates is set to travel to the United Nations in New York next week for COSP15.