
A man plays a guitar while a smiling woman watches him

Proposed changes to regulation and oversight of the NDIS workforce

The NDIS Review released its Final Report on 7 December 2023, with a recommendation to create a regulation scheme for NDIS service providers based on the level of risk perceived in delivering disability services and supports, with six associated actions to support the proposed scheme.
Types of foundational supports. There will be two types of foundational supports - general and targeted. 1 - General supports include navigation support, information and capacity building for individuals, families and communities. 2 - Targeted supports include home and community care-type supports, aids and equipment, early childhood supports, psychosocial supports and supports for adolescents and young adults.

NDIS Review recommends more options for supports for people with disability

The Independent Review of the NDIS (the Review) Final Report has recognised change is necessary to ensure all people with disability get the right support at the right time. The Review recommended developing a separate tier of disability services, called Foundational Supports, which can be accessed by all people with disability, and actions to address the lack of accessible and inclusive mainstream services, that include healthcare, education and transport.
A young black disabled woman with a wheelchair and a bright colored sweater and her Asian friend walk around the city.

Meet the panel who are passionate about building a more employable future for all women with disability

People with Disability Australia created Advancing Women as a project that seeks to improve outcomes for women, girls, feminine-identifying and non-binary people with disability in Australia across leadership representation and workforce participation and safety.