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Media Alert: Disability Advocates To Condemn Widespread Failings Of Disability Support Pension At Parliamentary Inquiry

Today representatives from People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and the Antipoverty Centre will be giving evidence at a federal parliamentary inquiry to detail how the Disability Support Pension (DSP) is failing people with disability. PWDA Senior Manager of Policy Giancarlo de…

Impairment Tables Impair Our Access to Supports: Submission To The Department of Social Services

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) made a submission to the Department of Social Services’ Review of the Disability Support Pension Impairment Tables. PWDA also made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the purpose, intent and…

In Our Own Words: Submission To The Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension. PWDA also made a submission to the Department of Social Services’ Review of…

Disability Advocates Say New COVID-19 Vaccine Data Show People With Disability Are Being Left Behind

Disability advocates have increased pressure on the Federal Government to speed up and broaden the COVID-19 vaccine rollout for people with disability after the release of vaccination data which shows the rollout for people with disability is significantly lagging behind…

Community Coalition Demands Immediate Action to Vaccinate People with Disability Against COVID-19

11-Point Plan Proposed to Better Protect People with Disability An alliance of disability representative organisations has joined forces to pressure Australia’s governments to better prioritise people with disability in their vaccine rollout programs. On the first full day of a…

Open Letter: Immediate Actions Required To Vaccinate and Protect All Australians With Disability Against Coronavirus

If you are an organisation that represents people with disability, and would like to endorse this open letter, please email your logo to Giancarlo de Vera, Senior Manager of Policy at People with Disability Australia at Dear National Cabinet…

We Belong Here: Our Nation Must End Exclusionary Systems that Harm People with Disability

People with Disability Australia’s submission We Belong Here: Our Nation Must End Exclusionary Systems that Harm People with Disability was made in response to the Promoting Inclusion Issues Paper released by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation…

Advocates Warn Vaccine Stroll-Out Makes People with Disability ‘Sitting Ducks’

Call For More Transparency Around Disability Vaccination Data Advocates have warned people with disability will die or end up in intensive care after it was revealed an unvaccinated resident of another disability care home had caught COVID-19. The COVID-19 case…

Media Release: Advocate calls for People with Disability to Have Vaccine Choice

Advocacy organisation People with Disability Australia has called for people with disability and their treating practitioners to be able to assess their risk of getting COVID-19 and choose what vaccine to get after residents and workers at a disability group…

Media Release: Disability community calls for reform after discrimination claims become ‘impossible to prove’

A frustrated alliance of lawyers and community organisations has lobbied the Commonwealth Attorney-General to rewrite Australia’s disability discrimination laws after a court case made discrimination claims “near on impossible to prove.” The alliance of 46 disability rights, community and legal…