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Joint Submission To The CRPD On The Draft General Comment On Article 12 Of The Convention – Equal Recognition Before The Law

February 2014 This PWDA/ACDL/AHRCenter submission provides input to the 2014 consultation on Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities to explain how in its (then) current form, the General Comment did not adequately clarify how…

Joint Supplementary Response Regarding Dept Of Social Security (DSS) Application For Exemption From The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 To Use The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

PWDA considers that the SWS should be implemented as the single national award wage assessment for the long-term in order that discrimination is immediately addressed and that adjustments to the SWS is not a solution to problems of business viability…

PWDA Submission Regarding Review Of Equal Recognition Before The Law And Legal Capacity For People With Disability

January 2014 This PWDA/ACDL/AHRCentre submission explains how the Issues Paper conflates the concepts of mental capacity and legal capacity in its discussion regarding ‘capacity standards’ and ‘assessment of capacity’ and challenges the assumption that legal capacity is a concept that…

Joint Response Regarding Dept Of Social Security (DSS) Application For Exemption From The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 To Use The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

This submission follows the announcement on 15 January 2014 by Ministers Andrews and Fifield that the Commonwealth will make a one off payment to employees with intellectual disability paid wages determined by the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT). This…

PWDA Submission Regarding DSS Application For Exemption In Relation To The Use Of The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)

October 2013 PWDA welcomed the decision of the Federal Court in Nojin & Prior v Commonwealth [2012] FCAFC 192 in December 2012, and the recent supportive ruling of the High Court in May 2013.  Ending use of the BSWAT as…

PWDA Submission On The Draft Boarding House Regulation 2013 And Associated Regulatory Impact Statement

April 2013 PWDA is a long standing member of the Family and Community Services – Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) Boarding House Expert Advisory Group (BHEAG), providing regular feedback to the Minister for Disability Services and ADHC with regard…

PWDA Submission To The Inquiry Into The Involuntary Or Coerced Sterilisation Of People With Disabilities In Australia

March 2013 For over twenty years, PWDA has been advocating domestically and internationally against involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disability, and seeking legislative, policy and practice reforms that would prohibit this egregious form of human rights abuse.  PWDA’s…

PWDA Submission Regarding The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Rules Consultation Paper

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is pleased to provide comments on the Rules Consultation Paper.  However, we, along with our Members, are disappointed that this Paper did not provide significantly more information and clarity on the proposed content of the…

PWDA Submission To NSW Government Discussion Paper On The Reform Of The NSW  Disability Services Act 1987

This submission comments on the proposed reform of the NSW Disability Services Act (DSA) 1997, and supports the consolidation of laws regarding support for people with disability in NSW into one piece of legislation. It is critical that a reformed…