February 2015 The NSW Legislative Council Select Committee Report provides robust recommendations to the NSW Government for priority action on social, public and affordable housing in NSW. PWDA strongly endorses the reports’ findings and urges the Department of Family and…
Category: Submissions (page 18)
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PWDA 2015 Federal Budget Submission
Australia currently ranks 26 out of 27 OECD countries for the percentage of people with disability living in poverty. Our accumulated short comings mean that 45% of people with disability in Australia live near or below the poverty line. PWDA…
Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry Into The Adequacy Of Existing Residential Care Arrangements Available For Young People With Severe Physical, Mental Or Intellectual Disabilities In Australia
Key to this debate is the question of what housing and support ought to look like for people with disability. Historically, a nursing model – derived from understanding people with disability as sick or ill – was the only form…
NSW Disability Inclusion Plan Consultation
December 2014 The National Disability Strategy (NDS) is the Commonwealth of Australian Government (COAG) mechanism through which Australia will progressively implement the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). The current NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 (Implementation Plan)…
Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry Into Out Of Home Care
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Considerations Of The 4th And 5th Reports Of Australia By The Committee To The Convention Against Torture
October 2014 People with disability in Australia are frequently subject to treatment that may constitute torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (ill-treatment), including persistent and severe violence and abuse, forced or coerced non-therapeutic sterilisation, long-term neglect of…
Senate Standing Committee On Finance And Public Administration ‘Inquiry Into Domestic Violence In Australia’ – (Australian Cross Disability Alliance)
September 2014 Whilst there are numerous instances where men and boys with disability are subjected to and experience violence, including domestic/family violence, it is clearly a gendered issue that disproportionately affects women and girls with disability. In this context, this…
NSW Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee Inquiry Into Tenancy Management In Social Housing
August 2014 PWDA welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the NSW Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into Tenancy Management in Social Housing, with particular reference to the following terms of reference: the cost effectiveness of current tenancy management…
Submission To The Consultation On The Interim Report On Welfare Reform
August 2014 Article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) obliges the Australian Government to safeguard and promote the realisation of these rights. People with disability are entitled to appropriate levels of social protection…
Senate Standing Committee On Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry Into The Extent Of Income Inequality In Australia
August 2014 PWDA welcomes the 2014-15 federal budget commitment to deliver the designated funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with no changes to the roll out at this stage. It is vital that the NDIS is implemented in…