More than 70 of Australia’s leading disability and civil society organisations have endorsed wide-ranging recommendations to reform the nation’s archaic and degrading migration laws.
Category: Submissions (page 5)
List of related posts
Submission to COVID-19 Response Inquiry Panel
This submission will highlight how we can better respond to the needs of people with disability both during and after any future pandemic(s).
Budget Measures to Progress the Disability Agenda in NSW
In this submission, PWDA advocates for a more inclusive and supportive environment across housing, safety, community engagement, and health and education services for individuals with disabilities.
Response to the Medicare Telehealth Draft Report
The evolution of transport technologies has the potential to increase the independence, inclusion, transport access and safety of people with disability.
National Road Transport Technology
The evolution of transport technologies has the potential to increase the independence, inclusion, transport access and safety of people with disability.
NDIS Review | Submission 3 to the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
From March to July 2023, PWDA conducted consultations with people with disability on their experiences of the NDIS. This involved several focus groups and surveys on the experiences of people with disability with the NDIS (including one Easy Read version). Participants in these consultations primarily involved people with disability with a broad array of experiences. Some families, carers and support people of also participated in the surveys and focus groups, but represented a small percentage of participants and predominantly participated as representatives of people with disability.
National Housing and Homelessness Plan Response
PWDA’s Submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper
Preliminary Submission: NSWLRC Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977
PWDA welcomes the opportunity to provide preliminary comments on the New South Wales Law Reform Commission’s (NSWLRC) review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) (ADA).
Summary report: COVID-19: Where to from here?
Summary report of consultations People with Disability Australia
completed with its national membership, on what people with
disability want with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
completed with its national membership, on what people with
disability want with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
COVID-19 Position Statement
This position statement and the below recommendations is based on what we heard from our members through the survey and the online member forum.