Landmark NDIS Reforms

Today the Australian Government responded to the Tune Review, supporting or supporting in principle all 29 recommendations.

We look forward to working with the Australian Government on continually improving the NDIS by implementing the recommendations. These recommendations are a step in the right direction, providing key changes that will go a long way to making the NDIS less complex, and ensuring people with disability have more advocacy support to fairly access and navigate the Scheme.

We particularly want to work with the Australian Government on reforming the Supported Independent Living (SIL) program, to make it a fully person-centred approach to the provision of housing and supports.

We are pleased to see an increase in funding from the Government on their proposal to strengthen their outreach with people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally and linguistically diverse and psychosocial backgrounds. We hope that the Government will commit to working with advocacy and community-based organisations in this process.

We also want to work with Government as they introduce the Participant Service Guarantee, so the changes improve the quality and timeliness of people’s plans.

To make these changes successful, we need full and proper engagement with people with disability.

We’re pleased to see the Government have indicated they are willing work in close collaboration with the disability community, and have committed to consultation on any legislative changes required.