Australian Digital Health Agency – Improving Digital Health Accessibility and Inclusion

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Hands holding a phone showing the My Health App on it.

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) wants to make its digital health tools and apps easier to use for people with disability. People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is working with ADHA to improve their tools and apps.

ADHA tools and apps include:

Information on the Agency and their tools and apps can be found on Digital Health website

Get involved

To understand how people with disability are using these tools and apps, PWDA engaged in a range of consultation activities with people with disabilities throughout July including focus groups, interviews and an online survey.

Following the feedback PWDA and ADHA facilitated a webinar for people with disability to learn more about the tools that are available. A second webinar will be held in December around privacy and security of the digital health tools.


Introduction to My Health Record

PWDA and the Agency held the first free webinar in October exploring ADHA digital health tools and how you can use them.

The webinar gave an overview on the digital health tools:

The webinar is for people with disability, their families, friends and carers.

You can watch a recording of the webinar below or download an accessible pdf of the Introduction to My Health Record slides.

The videos shared in the webinar include:

Privacy and security webinar

The second webinar in the two-part series on Australian Digital Health Technologies and took place on Wednesday 12 February.

This webinar focused on the privacy and security of the digital tools including My Health Record, how you can adjust your Privacy and Access settings and what the Agency is doing to protect your information.

This webinar is for people with disability, their families, friends and carers.

A copy of the webinar is available in an accessible Word document.

Download the webinar slides in an accessible word document.

Download the webinar transcript in an accessible word document.

You can watch a recording of the webinar below.

The videos shared in the webinar include:

Easy Read information

Find more information on the digital apps in Easy Read format below on:

Digital Health Learning

The Agency also provide a range of resources including Auslan interpreted and live transcription recorded learning sessions eLearning modules from their Digital Health Learning: for everyone program resources including: 

Get in touch

You can also email the project officer at or call 1800 422 015 to register or ask any questions about this project.

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