People with Disability Australia has provided feedback on the NSW Legislative Council, Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education, Inquiry into children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings (the Inquiry).
Tag: disability advocacy (page 9)
Submission to the NSW Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Submission to help inform changes to the conduct of the 2027 NSW State Election, so that all people with disability can exercise their rights, unimpeded, to vote.
Media Release: Disability Standards Reform a Step in the Right Direction, Further Action Needed
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is calling for people with disability to be recognised as equal partners in determining reforms flowing from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review. The call comes in the wake of today’s release of the Federal Government’s Progress Update in response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.
Women and Gender Diverse People with Disability Reflect on Leading Change, Our Way on International Women’s Day 2024
On Friday 8 March, to mark International Women’s Day, People with Disability Australia (PWDA) created a space for women and gender diverse people with disability to connect and discuss leadership, overcoming barriers, accessibility and inclusion.
Media Release: People with Disability Must be Equal Partners in Reform
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is calling for people with disability to be recognised as equal partners in determining reforms flowing from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review. The call comes in the wake of today’s release of the Federal Government’s Progress Update in response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.
Leading Change – A Webinar for Women with Disability on Leadership
People with Disability with Australia (PWDA) through our Advancing Women Project are pleased to invite you to our International Women’s Day event, Leading Change – A Webinar for Women with Disability on Leadership.
Submission to the Inquiry into the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023
This submission will make recommendations aimed at enhancing the Bill’s ability to achieve its objectives. While not within the scope of this Inquiry, we note that the Government must provide the ART with sufficient funding to achieve its objectives, particularly the objective of accessibility.
Joint submission: Disability Royal Commission Response Consultation
Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) have raised key issues and concerns in a joint submission on the Australian Government’s response to the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence Abuse Neglect and Exploitation of people with Disability.
Pre-Budget Submission to the Australian Treasury
As we enter the 2024-2025 financial year, significant disability reform will need to commence with the Australian Government as well as state and territory governments, implementing agreed recommendations from both reform processes. Implementing recommendations will take years, and if done ‘right’, these reforms will have a lasting positive impact on people with disability, their families, friends and communities. However, this is no simple task, and it will take time and resources.
Submission on the Terms of Reference for a COVID-19 Royal Commission
People with Disability Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the appropriate terms of reference for a COVID-19 Royal Commission.