The 2025-26 NSW Pre-Budget Submission shows that Investing in a more inclusive NSW offers returns for everyone. Discrimination and exclusion are far higher than investing in inclusion.
Tag: education
PWDA’s 2025 Federal Pre-Budget Submission for People with Disability
PWDA’s 2025 Federal Pre-Budget Submission for People with Disability involves measures designed to enable equity, inclusion and access for people with disability
PWDA’s response to the NSW Homelessness Strategy
PWDA welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Homes NSW draft NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025-2034, following review of the strategy, consultation paper and background documents.
Aviation Customer Rights Charter
PWDA welcomed the opportunity to review and respond to the draft Aviation Customer Rights Charter to the Interim Aviation Industry Ombudsperson.
ACIE Position Statement – Therapy Supports and Allied Health Services in Schools
PWDA supports statement position of the Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education on the role and purpose of therapy and allied health professionals and service providers in school settings.
Here to Stay – Working to Future Proof the NDIS
PWDA submission to the second inquiry of the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) Bill 2024.
Contemporary Slavery
Letter to the UN providing an outline of areas of concern from PWDA regarding people with disabilities vulnerability to contemporary slavery conditions.
NSW Government Digital Inclusion Strategy
PWDA have participated in consultations to help shape the NSW Government Digital Inclusion Strategy along with other DROs and people with disability.
Joint submission: improving judicial responses to sexual violence
Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have made joint a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Issues Paper – Justice Responses to Sexual Violence.
Submission regarding children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings
People with Disability Australia has provided feedback on the NSW Legislative Council, Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education, Inquiry into children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings (the Inquiry).