The quest for freedom

After contacting PWDA, Maria received support to access the NDIS, engage in her community and eventually live independantly.
a woman with intellectual disability smiles in sunlight. A dog is to her left

Maria, a woman with disability, was placed in residential aged care by the public guardian against her will.

She was not permitted to leave except for occasional supervised outings.

While staff at the aged care facility submitted an application for Maria to join the NDIS, she was refused access.

How PWDA helped

Maria was assigned a PWDA advocate, who submitted a more thorough application, with more detailed supporting evidence.

This time, Maria’s application was successful and with a new NDIS plan, she was able to participate in community activities with the assistance of support workers.

The plan also paid for a specialised support coordinator to explore housing options.

When a supported accommodation home was found, Maria transferred from the nursing home to a new place of residence.

How to get help

Our advocates and support staff are here to help you with any issues you may be experiencing.

For support or more information, call and speak with one of our advocates on 1800 422 015 or visit our Get Help page.

All images are for illustrative purpose only and sourced from stock photo sources.