PWDA welcome Labor’s commitment to lift the NDIA staffing cap

PWDA welcome the announcement today from the Australian Labor Party that they will commit to removing the cap on the National Disability Insurance Agency. It’s just bad policy to have a staffing cap on the Agency that is responsible for delivering a once in a generation reform.

The NDIS is an essential part of our social infrastructure and we want expertise, skills and capacity built into the Agency including the expertise, skills and capacity building of people with disability, so the Agency can deliver on its promise of the NDIS to people with disability.

We are told everyday by people with disability, our members and constituents, about enormous problems with plan delays, review delays, lack of expertise in terms of disability, lack of accessible information, that is hampering the successful implementation of the NDIS.

We don’t need more, and millions of dollars, spent on external contractors and multinationals. The Productivity Commission recommended removal of the staffing cap because of its adverse impacts on delivering the NDIS and we again call on the Government today to implement that recommendation and lift the staffing cap on the National Disability Insurance Agency.