PWDA Submission to Inquiry into Ageing and Disability Commissioner Bill 2019

The Hon. Shayne Mallard, MLC Chair, Standing Committee on Social Issues Parliament HouseMacquarie StreetSYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Mr Mallard and Members of the Standing Committee on Social Issues Re: Ageing and Disability Commissioner Bill 2019 People with Disability Australia (PWDA)…

Political Parties Release Disability Platforms in Lead-Up to Election

This post summarises PWDA’s responses to disability policy proposals in the lead-up to the Federal Election. We’ll continue to update, so keep checking in as announcements are made. Skip to: Liberal Party: NDIS, Specialist Disability Accommodation, National Disability Strategy, Employment Labor Party: NDIS, Royal…

People with Disability Welcome Our Royal Commission

Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) welcomes Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement on the formation of our Royal Commission and its Letters Patent into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation against people with disability today, following the Government’s commitment of $527…

Bonnie Millen interviews Rosemary Kayess at PWDA 2018 AGM (with captions and Auslan)

Bonnie Millen, former President of PWDA, interviews UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Committee Vice Chair and human rights lawyer Rosemary Kayess. The interview was part of the PWDA 2018 AGM, and featured questions from PWDA members…

Disability Royal Commission Progress

Our Co-CEO Matthew Bowden spoke to Fran Kelly on RN Breakfast this morning about the Disability Royal Commission, the terms of reference of which are expected to be publicly revealed on Monday.

Source: ABC Radio National

Interview Transcript

Fran Kelly: The Disability Royal Commission is about to be formally announced and the ABC has obtained details of the draft terms of reference. They appear to confirm that it will be a wide-ranging investigation into the violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect suffered by people with disabilities across all sectors of our community. Those draft terms of reference were presented to several advocacy groups earlier this week at a meeting with Social Services Minister Paul Fletcher. It’s expected they will be publicly revealed on Monday. Matthew Bowden, Co-CEO of PWDA, was at that meeting in Canberra, he’s seen the terms of reference, the draft terms. Welcome.

Matthew Bowden: Good morning.