
List of related posts

Improving The Employment Participation Of People With Disability In Australia

More than 450 comments were received during the consultation exercise providing evidence base for the submission and reflecting the high interest and importance of employment issues in the lives of many PWDA members and affiliates.  The key themes which emerged…

Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee: The National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012

The majority of comments made in this submission reflect concern at provisions that run counter to the enjoyment of human rights by people with disability, or highlight improvements that could be made in order to maximise the enjoyment of rights…

PWDA Submission Regarding The Exposure Draft Boarding Houses Bill 2012

August 2012 In formulating this submission PWDA has consulted with a range of stakeholders including the New South Wales Council of Social Services (NCOSS), Local Government and Shires Association, NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID), Tenant’s Union of NSW…

Mid-Term Review Of The AusAID Strategy: Development For All – Towards A Disability-Inclusive Australian Aid Program 2009 -2014

April 2012 There is broad acknowledgement across the development sector that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) cannot be achieved without first addressing the equity and inclusion of people with disability. Since the launch of the Development for All Strategy in…

Consolidation Of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws

In PWD’s submissions to the National Human Rights Consultation and the National Human Rights Action Plan Baseline Study, we outline the commonplace experience of discrimination and human rights violations faced by people with disability in Australia. PWDA submission – Word…

NSW Attorney General And Justice’s Review Of The Crimes (Domestic And Personal Violence) Act 2007

November 2011 PWD has undertaken a number of projects examining the experience of people with disability in residential and service settings as well as barriers to human rights to freedom from violence and abuse including the Sexual Assault in Disability…

Senate Education Employment And Workplace Relations Committee Inquiry Into The Administration And Purchasing Of Disability Employment Services In Australia

October 2011 The comments PWD makes in this submission are informed by its role as an organisation of people with disability and also by its contractual role as operator of the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS). The CRRS receives…

Joint Submission NEDA And PWDA: Productivity Commission Inquiry Into Disability Care And Support

This submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry which formed an early step in the process toward the creation of a National Disability Insurance Scheme recommends that the NDIS be extended to asylum seekers and persons granted refugee status, all children…