The economic circumstances for people with disability are vastly different when compared with those of people without disability. Unemployment figures illustrate that there is a need for targeted action to increase employment rates of people with disability; and we also…
Category: Submissions (page 7)
List of related posts
Access to Employment: Submission to the Disability Employment Services Quality Framework Discussion Paper
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A New Act to Replace the Disability Services Act 1986: Joint submission
The Australian Government plans to repeal and replace the Disability Services Act (1986) (the Act). This is a significant opportunity to shape the vision and direction for the rights of people with disability in Australia for years to come. Repealing the Act…
Budget Measures to Help Us Access Everyday Life: A pre-budget submission to the Commonwealth Treasury on employment and housing
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Disability and Poverty: Submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia
PWDA’s submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia makes several recommendation: Read the full submission here: PDF, Word document
Joint Submission to the Technology Assisted Voting Review
People with Disability Australia has endorsed Blind Citizens Australia’s submission to the Technology Assisted Voting Review. People who are blind or vision impaired have a right to democratic participation. In order to provide equal access to voting to all voters…
Independent Review of the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019 in New South Wales: Submission
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) made this submission to the Independent Review of the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019. In our submission, we emphasise the right of people with disability to privacy and confidentiality of personal information, and the…
Charters of human rights benefit people with disability: Joint submission to the Disability Royal Commission
This joint submission is made by the Human Rights Law Centre, People With Disability Australia, and Children and Young People with Disability Australia to the Disability Royal Commission. This alliance is calling on the Commission to include in its Final…
Joint Submission to the Australian Treasury’s Employment White Paper
PWDA and six other Disability Representative Organisations produced this joint submission to the Australian Treasury’s Employment White Paper. The submission examines: workplace systems and processes that enhance inclusion and remove barriers for employment of people with disability; creating a more…
Modern slavery: PWDA submission to NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s discussion paper
PWDA has made a submission to the NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s discussion paper: Developing a strategic plan to combat modern slavery. People with disability face an increased risk of experiencing modern slavery and need to be a focal point in the…