
Disability and Poverty: Submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia

PWDA’s submission to the Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia makes several recommendation: Read the full submission here: PDF, Word document

Group of 65 organisations and experts call for reform to laws that stop people with disability from voting

On 21 May this year, most adult Australians will vote in the Federal Election. However, there is a whole section of our community who can be removed from the Electoral Roll and disallowed from having their say: people deemed to…

Key disability advocacy groups join with ACOSS to urge Government to act on DSP Senate Inquiry Report

Whilst there are some welcome recommendations in the Report, we urge the government to take responsibility for taking action on addressing the level of need and distress that people with disability experience while trying to survive on income support. Australia…
People smiling at the camera with a beanie


We’re Australia’s peak advocacy organisation for people with disability or who are d/Deaf. Since 1981, we’ve been advancing and protecting the rights, health and wellbeing of the people and communities we serve.