Time to update your member details!

We’ve been making some improvements to our membership database and are using this as an opportunity to make sure that the information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date.

If your details have changed, we kindly ask you to take the time to complete the membership form – which you will receive today via email – and return it to us by 30 June 2022.

We’d also like to bring to your attention that our constitution enables members of PWDA to make requests to access PWDA’s public membership register. The public membership register is a list of PWDA’s current members. We remain committed to protecting your privacy and as a consequence, in the attached membership form, you have the ability to choose whether your name will be listed on this public membership register when a member makes a request. This provides you with the option to keep your membership of PWDA private from other members if you wish. If you are happy to have your name listed on the public membership register, you can let us know by ticking the consent box under the heading “Membership register” on the last page of the attached membership form.

At this time we would also remind you to read our updated Privacy Policy, which is available on our website here and the Easy Read version is available here.

By continuing to be a member of PWDA, you are taken to have consented to the collection, use, and disclosure (including to third parties) of your personal information, including sensitive information, and to be contacted, as described in the updated Privacy Policy.

Thank you for taking the time to update your profile and for being a PWDA member.

We look forward to hearing from you before 30 June at which time your preferences regarding the privacy of your information will go into effect.

If you have any questions about the above, please contact us.