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PWDA’S Submission to the Joint Standing Committee’s Inquiry into Independent Assessments

PWDA made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee’s Inquiry into the Independent Assessments. PWDA holds significant concerns about the Federal Government’s planned changes to how people with disability will access the NDIS and how they will receive support. Independent…

Barriers to people with autism are barriers to us all: Submission to the Select Committee on Autism

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is pleased to make this submission to the Select Committee on Autism’s Inquiry into the Services, Support and Life Outcomes for People with autism in Australia and the associated need for a National Autism Strategy.…

Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Continuation of Cashless Welfare) Bill 2020

PWDA has long raised concerns about the Cashless Debit Card, and have opposed all forms of compulsory income management. Our concerns with any Bill before the Parliament to introduce compulsory income management flows from: ·         The inadequate research and evaluation of…

Submission in response to National Disability Strategy Position Paper: Stage 2 consultations

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the Australian Government’s Stage 2 Consultations for the National Disability Strategy. You can access the full submission in [PDF] or [Word].

Submission to Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the impact of changes to service delivery models on the administration and running of Government programs

PWDA has significant concerns about several aspects of recent service delivery models, especially those that relate to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Agency (NDIA) and to Centrelink in the Human Services portfolio. As part of our work with…