
Submission to the Senate on Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia

People with disability face significant barriers to accessing employment. People with disability rely on income support payments to meet basic living costs as well as disability-related costs. PWDA has significant concerns about the level of income support for both Newstart…

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established on 4 April 2019 by the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd). The Governor-General issued Letters…

Pre-Budget Submission 2019: Invest to solve housing crisis for people with disability

PWDA, with the Summer Foundation, National Shelter, and the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design, have developed a package to address the housing crisis for many people with disability. The package includes measures to make more homes accessible, to increase…
Text on a white background which says: People with disability have the right to a stand-alone and targeted Royal Commission that will interrogate and address the full scope of violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability. Below the text are the logos of Disabled People's Organisation Australia, People with Disability Australia, First People Disability Network, Women with Disability Australia, NEDA and Children and Young People with Disability Australia.

Statement on Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse and Neglect of People with Disability

This statement has been issued by Disabled People’s Organisation Australia and Children and Young People with Disability Australia. Violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability, including children with disability, is systemic. The evidence is extensive, compelling, and irrefutable. We…